12 results filtered with: Cox, Daniel, -1759
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Medical, chirurgical and anatomical cases and observations / Translated from the German original by George Wirgman [With preface by P. Shaw and introduction by D. Cox].
Heister, Lorenz, 1683-1758Date: 1755- Books
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Nouvelles observations sur le pouls intermittent, qui indique l'usage des purgatifs, et qui, suivant Solano et Nihell, annonce une diarrhée critique ... / Ouvrage traduit ... par M. D[upuy] ... et dans lequel on trouve de nouvelles preuves du plan proposé dans les Recherches sur le pouls par rapport aux crises, publiées à Paris en 1756 par M. Théophile de Bordeu.
Cox, Daniel, -1759Date: 1760- Books
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A letter from a physician in town to his friend in the country : concerning the disputes at present subsisting between the fellows and licentiates of the College of Physicians in London.
Cox, Daniel, -1759.Date: 1753- Books
A letter from a physician in town to his friend in the country. Concerning the disputes at present subsisting between the Fellows and Licentiates of the College of Physicians in London / [Daniel Cox].
Cox, Daniel, -1759.Date: 1753- Books
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Observations on the epidemic fever, of the year 1741 : To which are added several cases, as examples of the benefit arising from bleeding, and purging, in the cure of this fever, in its several stages / By Daniel Cox.
Cox, Daniel, -1759.Date: 1742- Books
- Online
Observations on the intermitting pulse, as prognosticating in acute diseases, according to Dr. Solano, a critical diarrhoea: or, as indicating the use of purging remedies / [Daniel Cox].
Cox, Daniel, -1759Date: 1758- Books
- Online
Nouvelles observations sur le pouls intermittent, qui indique l'usage des purgatifs, et qui, suivant Solano et Nihell, annonce une diarrhée critique ... / Ouvrage traduit ... par M. D[upuy] ... et dans lequel on trouve de nouvelles preuves du plan proposé dans les Recherches sur le pouls, par rapport aux crises, publiées à Paris, en 1756, par M. Théophile de Bordeu.
Cox, Daniel, -1759Date: 1761- Books
- Online
A letter to a friend on the subject of inoculation : on which the reasons for the practice are considered and enforced, and its consistency with our duty to God, and to society, asserted and defended / By Daniel Cox.
Cox, Daniel, -1759.Date: 1757- Books
- Online
A letter from a physician in town to his friend in the country. Concerning the disputes at present subsisting between the Fellows and Licentiates of the College of Physicians in London / [Daniel Cox].
Cox, Daniel, -1759.Date: 1753- Books
- Online
A letter from a physician in town to a friend in the country, on the subject of inoculation. In which the reasons for the practice are considered and enforced, and its consistency with our duty to God and to society ... defended / [Anon].
Cox, Daniel, -1759.Date: 1756- Books
Idioma natural de el cuerpo humano: indagaciones sobre el pulso, en que se adelantan prodigiosamente las idéas de Solano de Luque, i se señala à cada evacuacion asi critica, como symptomatica, el caracter de pulso ... Escrito en francés / ... Traducido al español por ... Joseph Ignacio Carballo de Castro ... Añadese al fin la doctrina de los chinos sobre el pulso ... que se han publicado por los autores estrangeros sobre los nuevos descubrimientos de Solano.
Bordeu, Théophile de, 1722-1776.Date: 1768- Books
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Observations on the epidemic fever, of the year 1741 : To which are added several cases, as examples of the benefit arising from bleeding, and purging, in the cure of this fever, in its several different stages / By Daniel Cox.
Cox, Daniel, -1759.Date: 1744