76 results filtered with: Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832
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Leçons d’anatomie comparée de G. Cuvier / recueillies et publiées sous ses yeux par C. Duméril.
Date: 1835-1846- Books
The animal kingdom : arranged in conformity with its organization / by the Baron Cuvier ... ; with additional descriptions of all the species hitherto named, and of many not before noticed, by Edward Griffith [and others].
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1827-1832- Books
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Rapport historique sur les progrès des sciences naturelles depuis 1789, et sur leur état actuel, présénté au Gouvernement, le 6 février 1808, par la Classe des Sciences Physiques et Mathématiques de l'Institut, conformément à l'arrêté du 13 ventôse an X / rédigé par M. Cuvier, secrétaire perpetuel.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1828- Books
Georges Cuvier, de son temps au nôtre / [Georges Cuvier].
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1970- Books
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Description of some new species of Cuvier's family of Brachiopoda / [William John Broderip].
Broderip, William John, 1789-1859Date: [1833?]- Books
Chimie et sciences de la nature / par Georges Cuvier ; présentation et notes sous la direction de Yves Laissus.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: [1989], ©1989- Pictures
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Antediluvian creatures, in a primaeval landscape. Mixed method engraving by A. M. Perrot.
Reference: 500972i- Books
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The animal kingdom arranged according to its organization / Forming the basis for a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy. Mammalia, birds and reptiles, by Edward Blyth, the fishes and Radiata, by Robert Mudie, the molluscous animals by George Johnston, the articulated animals by J. O. Westwood. Illustrated by three hundred engravings on wood.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832Date: 1840- Books
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Essay on the theory of the earth / Translated from the French of M. Cuvier by Robert Kerr ... With mineralogical notes, and an account of Cuvier's geological discoveries, by Professor Jameson.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1813- Books
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Lectures on comparative anatomy / translated from the French of G. Cuvier by William Ross ; under the inspection of James Macartney.
Date: 1802- Books
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Biographical memoir of Sir Humphry Davy / [Georges Cuvier].
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1833]- Books
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Rapport fait à l'Académie des Sciences, sur un mémoire de M. Flourens, intitulé: Détermination des propriétés du système nerveux, ou recherches physiques sur l'irritablilté et la sensibilité / [Georges Cuvier].
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832Date: [1822]- Books
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Recherches sur le mécanisme de la voix humaine / par F. Bennati ; ouvrage qui a obtenu un prix à la Société des Sciences physiques et chimiques de Paris, précédé du Rapport de MM. G. Cuvier, de Prony et Savart. À l'Académie royale des sciences.
Bennati, Francesco, 1798-1834.Date: 1832- Books
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Essay on the theory of the earth / by M. Cuvier ; with mineralogical notes, and an account of Cuvier's geological discoveries by Professor Jameson.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1817- Books
Tableau élémentaire de l'histoire naturelle des animaux / Par G. Cuvier.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: An 6 [1798]- Books
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De l'influence de l'émétique sur l'homme et les animaux; mémoire lu à la première classe de l'Institut de France, le 23 août 1813 et suivi du rapport fait à la classe / par MM. Cuvier, Humboldt, Pinel et Percy.
Magendie, François, 1783-1855Date: 1813- Books
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Lectures on comparative anatomy / Translated from the French ... by William Ross; under the inspection of James Macartney.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1802- Books
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The animal kingdom arranged after its organization. Forming a natural history of animals, and an introduction to comparative anatomy / By the late Baron Georges Cuvier, Tr. and adapted to the present state of science. The Mammalia, birds, and reptiles, by Edward Blyth, the fishes and Radiata, by Robert Mudie, the molluscous animals by George Johnston, M.D., the articulated animals, by J. O. Westwood, F.L.S.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1849- Books
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[Reviews of works by George Cuvier].
Date: [1830?]- Books
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Essay on the theory of the earth / by M Cuvier ... ; with mineralogical notes, and an account of Cuvier's geological discoveries, by Professor Jameson ; to which are now added, observations on the geology of North America ; illustrated by the description of various organic remains, found in that part of the world by Samuel L. Mitchill.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1818- Books
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Essay on the theory of the earth / translated from the French of M. Cuvier ... by Robert Kerr ; with mineralogical notes, and an account of Cuvier's geological discoveries, by Professor Jameson.
Cuvier, Georges, baron, 1769-1832.Date: 1813- Books
- Online
Histoire naturelle de l'homme / par M. le Cie de Lacépède; précédée de son éloge historique, par le baron G. Cuvier.
La Cépède, M. le comte de (Bernard Germain Etienne de La Ville sur Illon), 1756-1825.Date: 1827- Books
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Memorials of John Ray / edited by Edwin Lankester.
Date: 1846- Books
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A history of the earth, and animated nature / By Oliver Goldsmith. With an introductory view of the animal kingdom, tr. from the French by Baron Cuvier. And copious notes embracing accounts of new discoveries in natural history: And a life of the author by Washington Irving. And a carefully prepared index to the whole work.
Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?-1774.Date: 1847- Books
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An introduction to the study of the animal economy / translated from the French of Cuvier, by John Allen.
Date: 1801