9 results filtered with: Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677
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Good tydings to the sick and lame: or, The sick-man's library : Teaching both high and low, rich and poor, next under God, how to prescribe to, or procure ease for the pained, strength for the weak, health for the sick, and cure for sores. Being a true and candid relation of the vertue and uses of four excellent medicines, viz. Arcanum vegetabilium, Pilulæ vegetantes, Balsamum vitæ, Unguentum refrigerans, whereunto is added, a few of the many testimonies and cures performed by the same ... published for the good of all who labour under pain and misery. / By Rich. Fletcher Nath. Merry Professors of chymical pysick in London.
Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677Date: 1674- Books
- Online
A character of a true physician, or, A true chymist compared with a goose-quill pedant : with a short view of the frauds and abuses in physick, committed by the confederate prescribing doctoral methodists, with their combinators the apothecaries ... : being a vindication of such physicians as follow not their method but make and administer their own medicines, being the honestest, safest, cheapest, and speediest way of practice, both for physician and patient / by R. Fletcher.
Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677Date: 1676- Books
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The vertues of that well-known and often experienced medicine Fletcher's powder.
Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677Date: 1679- Books
- Online
England's solar pill agains the scurvey : This noble solar pill, cures that inveterate disease the scurvey, with all its symptoms, which are pains in the head, inflamations of the brain, frensies, madness, megrim, convulsions, falling sickness, tremblings and weakness of the limbs, rheumatick and gouty swellings in the joynts.
Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677Date: [1680?]- Books
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The vertues of that well known and often-experienced medicine Fletchers powder.
Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677Date: 1677- Books
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The vertues of that well-known and often experienced medicine Fletcher's powder.
Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677Date: 1679- Books
- Online
A vindication of chymistry, and chymical medicines : Courteous and candid reader, chymistry, is an art that doth both teach and inable us (for our exceeding good and benefit) to seperate purity from impurity.
Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677Date: [1676]- Books
- Online
The vertues of that well-known and often experienced medicine Fletcher's powder.
Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677Date: 1679- Books
- Online
Starkey revived, or, Collections out of nature's explication. Part I : and Helmont's vindication : being a short examination of the state of physick as now practiced / published for the information and caution of English-men by R. Fletcher.
Fletcher, R. (Richard), active 1676-1677Date: 1676