9 results filtered with: Hagelin, Ove
- Books
Old and rare books on materia medica in the library of the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society (Apotekarsocieteten) : an illustrated and annotated catalogue / compiled by Ove Hagelin.
Apotekarsocieteten.Date: 1997- Books
Kinetic jottings : rare and curious books in the library of the old Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics an illustrated and annotated catalogue / compiled by Ove Hagelin.
Idrottshögskolan i Stockholm. Biblioteket.Date: 1995- Books
The art of writing and drawing : a selection of one hundred books from the Ekström Collection in the National Library for Psychology and Education, Stockholm a descriptive and annotated catalogue of 16th through 18th rare and important books on calligraphy - perspective - architecture - drawing - anatomy - colours and related arts / compiled by Ove Hagelin.
Hagelin, Ove.Date: 1987- Books
Rare and important medical books in the Library of the Karolinska Institute : an illustrated and annotated catalogue / compiled by Ove Hagelin.
Karolinska institutet. Bibliotek och informationscentral.Date: 1992- Books
Läke konst : medicinsk illustrationskonst från medeltid till Lennart Nilsson : illustrerad och kommenterad katalog / sammanställd av Ove Hagelin = Ars medica : the art of medical illustration from the middle ages to Lennart Nilsson : an illustrated and annotated catalogue compiled by Ove Hagelin.
Date: 2010- Books
Odontologia : rare & important books in the history of dentistry : an illustrated and annotated catalogue / compiled by Ove Hagelin & Deborah Coltham for Svenska Tandläkare-Sällskapet, Swedish Dental Society.
Date: 2015- Books
The byrth of mankynde otherwyse named the womans booke : embryology, obstetrics, gynaecology through four centuries an illustrated and annotated catalogue of rare books in the library of the Swedish Academy of Medicine / compiled by Ove Hagelin.
Svenska läkaresällskapet.Date: 1990- Books
Rare and important medical books in the Library of the Swedish Society of Medicine : a descriptive and annotated catalogue / complied by Ove Hagelin.
Date: 1989- Books
Herr archiatern och riddaren Linnaeus i Lärda tidningar, 1745-1780 / redaktör, Ove Hagelin.
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778.Date: 2007