63 results filtered with: Hill, John, 1714?-1775
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The virtues of honey in preventing many of the worst disorders; and in the certain cure of several others ... the gravel, asthmas ... consumptions, etc / to which is prefix'd an account of the origin and nature of honey; its various kinds, English and foreign; and the marks which distinguish them: also a method to obtain honey as fine in England as from any part of the world; and the best ways of taking it. With the genuine receipt for the syrup of capillaire as made in Italy; and for the celebrated Aristaean confection. [Anon].
Hill, John, 1714?-1775.Date: 1759- Books
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A review of the works of the Royal Society of London, containing animadversions on such of the papers as deserve particular observation ... under the several heads of arts, antiquities, medicine, miracles, zoophytes, animals, vegetables, minerals / [John Hill].
Hill, John, 1714?-1775.Date: 1751- Books
- Online
A general natural history; or, new and accurate descriptions of the animals, vegetables and minerals, of the different parts of the world; with their virtues and uses, as far as hitherto certainly known, in medicine and mechanics ... Including the history of the materia medica, pictoria, and tinctoria, of the present and earlier ages ... with a great number of figures, elegantly engraved / by John Hill.
Hill, John, 1714?-1775.Date: M.DCC.XLVIII-M.DCC.LII. [1748-1752]- Books
Hypochondriasis : a practical treatise / Introduction by G.S. Rousseau.
Hill, John, 1714?-1775.Date: 1969- Books
- Online
Essays in natural history and philosophy. Containing a series of discoveries, by the assistance of microscopes / By John Hill.
Hill, John, 1714?-1775.Date: 1752- Books
- Online
The power of water-dock against the scurvy : with marks to know that disease in all its states : instances of its being mistaken for other disorders : and rules of life for those afflicted with it / by the late Sir John Hall, M.D.
Hill, John, 1714?-1775.Date: 1801- Books
- Online
Hypochondriasis. A practical treatise on the nature and cure of that disorder; commonly called the hyp and hypo ... / [John Hill].
Hill, John, 1714?-1775Date: [1766]- Books
- Online
Valeriana oder von denen Tugenden der Baldrian-Wurzel in denen Krankheiten und Zufällen der Nerven, nebst denen Kennzeichen wodurch die wahre von der unächten kan unterschieden werden / Aus dem Englischen des John Hill, ins Teutsche übersetzt und mit illum. Figuren erläutert.
Hill, John, 1714?-1775.Date: 1765- Books
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Lucina sine concubitu. Memorie aan het Koninglyk Genoodschap der Wetenschappen te London. Waarin op eene onwederspreeklyke wyze zoo wel uit het vernuft als uit de ondervinding bewezen word, dat eene vrouw zonder toedoen eens mans, zwanger worden, en kinderen baaren kan. Naar de 4. verm. en verb. Englesche druk, met eene bygevoegde voorrede en de nodige aanmerkingen des Franschen vertaalers, verrykt. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald / [John Hill].
Hill, John, 1714?-1775Date: 1779- Books
- Online
A decade of curious insects, some of them not describ'd before shewn in their natural size and as they appear enlarg'd before the Lucernal microscope in which the solar apparatus is artificially illuminated. With their history, characters, manners, and places of abode on ten quarto plates and their explanations, drawn and engraved from nature / by J. Hill.
Hill, John, 1714?-1775.Date: 1773- Books
Traité des pierres de Théophraste / Traduit du Grec; avec des notes physiques & critiques, traduites de l'Anglois de M. Hill; auquel on a ajouté deux lettres du même auteur, l'une ... sur les couleurs du saphir & de la turquoise; & l'autre ... sur les effets des différens menstrues sur le cuivre.
Theophrastus.Date: 1754- Books
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The virtues of honey in preventing many of the worst disorders; and in the certain cure of several others; particularly the gravel, asthmas, coughs, hoarseness, and a tough morning phlegm: with a particular direction ... for the cure of consumptions ... / [John Hill].
Hill, John, 1714?-1775Date: 1784- Books
- Online
A pure vegetable antiscorbutic : Sir John Hill's essence of waterdock [and other patent medicines].
Shaw and Edwards.Date: [1802?]