57 results filtered with: Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832
- Books
Observations on the fossil bones presented to the Royal Society by his most Serene Highness the Margrave of Anspach / By the late John Hunter ; communicated by Everard Home.
Hunter, John, 1728-1793.Date: 1794]- Books
Practical observations on the treatment of ulcers on the legs, considered as a branch of military surgery. To which are added, some observations on varicose veins, and piles / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1811. Printer: William Brown]- Books
- Online
An account of a child with a double head / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832Date: 1790]- Books
- Online
Observations on cancer, connected with histories of the disease / by Everard Home.
Date: 1805- Books
- Online
A short tract on the formation of tumours, and the peculiarities that are met with in the structure of those that have become cancerous : with their mode of treatment / by Sir Everard Home.
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1830- Books
- Online
Practical observations on the treatment of strictures in the urethra, and in the oesophagus / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832Date: 1805-1821- Books
- Online
A treatise on the blood, inflammation, and gun-shot wounds.
Hunter, John, 1728-1793.Date: 1812- Books
- Online
Practical observations on the treatment of strictures in the urethra, and in the oesophagus / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832Date: 1803-1821- Books
- Online
A short tract on the formation of tumours. And the peculiarities that are met with in the structure of those that have become cancerous; with their mode of treatment / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1830- Books
- Online
A letter on the differences in the structure of calculi, which arise from their being formed in different parts of the urinary passages; and on the effects that are produced upon them by the internal use of solvent medicines / from William Brande to Everard Home.
Brande, William Thomas, 1788-1866Date: 1808- Books
- Online
A dissertation on the properties of pus; which gained the prize-medal, given by the Lyceum Medicum Londinense, for the year MDCCLXXXVIII, and was ordered to be printed for the use of the Society ... / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832Date: 1788- Ephemera
We, the President, Vice-Presidents, and Council, of the Royal College of Surgeons in London; deeply impressed with the many fatal instances of small pox which daily occur in the metropolis... promote, the practice of vaccination... : Lincoln's-Inn Fields, the 12th day of April, 1822 / Everard Home, President, William Blizzard, Henry Cline, vice presidents [etc.].
Royal College of Surgeons in London.Date: 1822- Books
- Online
The Croonian lecture [1798]. Experiments and observations upon the structure of nerves ... / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1799- Books
- Online
An account of a child with a double head / by Everard Home.
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: [1790]- Books
- Online
The Hunterian Oration in honour of surgery, and in memory of those members by whose labours its celebrity has been advanced / instituted by the executors of John Hunter. Delivered in the theatre of the College [of Surgeons] February 14, 1822, and published at the request of the Council, by Sir Everard Home, Bart.
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1822- Books
Account of some remarkable caves in the Principality of Bayreuth, and of the fossil bones found therein ... Likewise observations on the fossil bones. By the late John Hunter / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832Date: [1794]- Books
- Online
Practical observations on the treatment of the diseases of the prostate gland. Illustrated by copper plates / by Everard Home.
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1811-1818- Books
- Online
An account of a new mode of performing the high operation for the stone / by Everard Home.
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1820- Books
- Online
Practical observations on the treatment of ulcers on the legs, considered as a branch of military surgery / by Everard Home.
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1797- Books
An account of Mr. Hunter's method of performing the operation for the popliteal aneurism / Everard Home.
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832Date: 1940- Books
- Online
Observations on the mode of generation of the kangaroo / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832Date: [1795]- Books
The Hunterian Oration / delivered in the theatre of the College ... 1814 [by Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1814- Books
Selections from the writings of John Hunter / [compiled by Emerson Crosby Kelly].
Hunter, John, 1728-1793.Date: Jan. 1940- Books
- Online
Some observations on the structure of the teeth of graminivorous quadrupeds : particularly those of the elephant and Sus aethiopicus / [Sir Everard Home].
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832Date: [1799]- Books
Practical observations on the treatment of ulcers on the legs, considered as a branch of military surgery / by Everard Home.
Home, Everard, Sir, 1756-1832.Date: 1797