3 results filtered with: Kazner, E. (Ekkehard)
- Books
Proceedings in echo-encephalography : International Symposium on Echo-Encephalography, Erlangen, Germany, April 14th and 15th, 1967 / edited by E. Kazner, W. Schiefer, K.J. Zülch ; translations by Margareta Lewke.
International Symposium on Echo-Encephalography (1967 : Erlangen, Germany)Date: 1968- Books
Clinical echo-encephalography / W. Schiefer, E. Kazner, St. Kunze / with an introduction into the fundamental principles of acoustics by W. Güttner ; translation by Margareta Klinger.
Schiefer, W. (Wolfgang), 1919-Date: 1968- Books
Schädelhirnverletzungen im Computertomogramm / W. Lanksch, Th. Grumme, E. Kazner ; mit einem Geleitwort von F. Marguth und R. Wüllenweber.
Lanksch, W. (Wolfgang), 1938-Date: 1978