4 results filtered with: Kent Archives Office
- Books
The poor : a collection of examples from original sources in the Kent Archives Office, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century / [edited by E. Melling].
Date: 1964- Books
Crime and punishment : a collection of examples from original sources in the Kent Archives Office, from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century / edited by Elizabeth Melling, Assistant Archivist, Kent County Council.
Kent Archives Office.Date: 1969- Books
Guide to the Kent County Archives Office / prepared for the County Archives Office by Felix Hull, county archivist ; with a foreword by Lord Cornwallis.
Kent Archives Office.Date: 1958- Books
A Kentish herbal : a collection of medicinal remedies taken from original manuscript sources in the Kent Archives Office / compiled by Alison Revell.
Kent Archives Office.Date: 1984