21 results filtered with: Kerckring, Theodor, 1640-1693
- Books
Theodori Kerckringii doctoris medici Anmerckungen über Basilii Valentini Triumph-Wagen des Antimonii. Nebst einem Vorbericht, worinnen ein und anders, was in Basilii und andern dergleichen spagyrischen Schrifften, zu beobachten, dienlich seyn möchte, angezeiget, zu End aber Kerckrings lateinische Vorrede verteutscht, beygefüget wird / [Basilius Valentinus].
Basilius Valentinus.Date: 1724- Books
Basil Valentine his Triumphant chariot of antimony : with annotations of Theodore Kirkringius (1678) / L.G. Kelly.
Basilius Valentinus.Date: 1990- Books
Theodori Kerckringii ... Commentarius in Currum triumphalem antimonii Basilii Valentini, a se Latinitate donatum / [Basilius Valentinus].
Basilius ValentinusDate: 1685- Books
- Online
Theodori Kerckringii, doctoris medici, Opera omnia anatomica; continentia Spicilegivm anatomicvm, Osteogeniam foetvvm: nec non Anthropogeniae ichnographiam. Accuratissimis figuris aeri incisis illustrata / [Theodor Kerckring].
Kerckring, Theodor, 1640-1693.Date: 1729- Pictures
The venous system, detail of an arterial trunk and the membranes of the trachea (windpipe). Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 29491i- Books
- Online
Basil Valentine his Triumphant chariot of antimony : with annotations of Theodore Kirkringius, M.D. : with the true book of the learned Synesius, a Greek abbot, taken out of the Emperour's library, concerning the philosopher's stone.
Basilius ValentinusDate: 1678- Pictures
- Online
The skeletons of two foetuses, two and five months old, demonstrating the development of ossification. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 32183i- Books
- Online
Basil Valentine, his triumphant chariot of antimony with annotations of Theodore Kirkringius. M.D / With the true book of the learned Synesius, a Greek abbot, taken out of the emperour's library, concerning the philosopher's stone. [Translated by Richard Russell].
Basilius Valentinus.Date: 1678- Books
Anthropogeniae ichnographia. Sive conformatio foetus ab ovo usque ad ossificationis principia, in supplementum Osteogeniae foetuum / [Theodor Kerckring].
Kerckring, Theodor, 1640-1693Date: 1671- Books
- Online
Theodori Kerckringii doctoris medici Commentarivs in Cvrrvm trivmphalem antimonii Basilii Valentini, à se Latinitate donatum / [Basilius Valentinus].
Basilius Valentinus.Date: 1671- Pictures
- Online
The venous systems of the liver, showing the branches of the vena porta (figure 1) and the vena cava (figure 2). Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 29547i- Books
- Online
Anthropogeniae ichnographia. Sive conformatio foetus ab ovo usque ad ossificationis principia, in supplementum Osteogeniae foetuum / [Theodor Kerckring].
Kerckring, Theodor, 1640-1693.Date: 1671- Books
Spicilegium anatomicum, continens observationum anatomicarum rariorum centuriam unam: nec non Osteogeniam foetuum ... / [Theodor Kerckring].
Kerckring, Theodor, 1640-1693Date: 1670- Books
Theodori Kerckringii ... Commentarius in Currum triumphalem antimonii Basilii Valentini, a se Latinitate donatum.
Basilius Valentinus.Date: [between 1671 and 1690?]- Pictures
The skeletons of two foetuses, two and five months old, demonstrating the development of ossification. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 32180i- Books
The triumphal chariot of antimony / by Basilius Valentinus ; with the commentary of Theodore Kerckringius. Being the Latin version pub. at Amsterdam in the year 1685 tr. into English, with a biographical preface.
Basilius Valentinus.Date: 1893- Pictures
- Online
The pulmonary veins and arteries. Engraving, 1686.
Date: [1686]Reference: 29930i- Books
- Online
Anthropogeniae ichnographia. Sive conformatio foetus ab ovo usque ad ossificationis principia, in supplementum Osteogeniae foetuum / [Theodor Kerckring].
Kerckring, Theodor, 1640-1693.Date: 1671- Pictures
A woman personifying Anatomy flays a suspended cadaver while two children glean wheat at her feet. Process print, 1931, after A. Bloteling, 1670.
Date: 1931Reference: 25249i- Books
Theodori Kerckringii doctoris medici Commentarius in Currum triumphalem antimonii Basilii Valentini, à se Latinitate donatum.
Basilius Valentinus.Date: 1671- Books
- Online
Spicilegium anatomicum, continens observationum anatomicarum rariorum centuriam unam: nec non Osteogeniam foetuum ... / [Theodor Kerckring].
Kerckring, Theodor, 1640-1693.Date: 1670