21 results filtered with: Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728
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The history of physick, or, an account of the rise and progress of the art, and the several discoveries therein from age to age. With remarks on the lives of the most eminent physicians / Written originally in French by Daniel Le Clerc, M.D. and made English by Dr. Drake, and Dr. Baden. With additional notes and sculptures. [Part 1].
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728.Date: 1699- Books
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The history of physick, or, an account of the rise and progress of the art, and the several discoveries therein from age to age. With remarks on the lives of the most eminent physicians / Written originally in French by Daniel Le Clerc, M.D. and made English by Dr. Drake, and Dr. Baden. With additional notes and sculptures. [Part 1].
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728.Date: 1699- Books
Bibliotheca anatomica sive recens in anatomia inventorum thesaurus locupletissimus, in quo integra atque absolutissima totius corporis humani descriptio, ejusdemque oeconomia e praestantissimorum quorumque anatomicorum tractatibus singularibus ... exhibetur. Adjecta est partium omnium administratio anatomica. Cum variis earundem praeparationibus caruosissimus / Digesserunt, tractatus suppleverunt, argumenta ... addiderunt Daniel Clericus & J. Jacob. Mangetus.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1699- Books
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Historia naturalis et medica latorum lumbricorum, intra hominem et alia animalia, nascentium ... Acc. ... de ceteris quoque hominum vermibus ... disquisitio / [Daniel Le Clerc].
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1715- Books
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Histoire de la medecine ou l'on void l'origine & le progrès de cet art / ... Par D[aniel] L[e] C[lerc] D.M. [Première partie].
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728.Date: 1696- Books
The history of physic, or, an account of the rise and progress of the art, and the several discoveries therein from age to age. With remarks on the lives of the most eminent physicians / Written originally in French by Daniel Le Clerc, and made English by Dr. Drake, and Dr. Baden. With additional notes and sculptures.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1699- Books
Histoire de la medecine ou l'on void l'origine & le progrès de cet art / ... Par D[aniel] L[e] C[lerc] D.M. [Première partie].
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1696- Books
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Storia della medicina in cui si vede l'origine e'l progresso di quest' arte, da secolo in secolo; le sette, che in essa si son formate; i nomi de' medici, le loro scoverte, le opinioni, e le più rilevanti circostanze della loro vita / Di Daniele Le Clerc.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728.Date: 1762-1763- Books
A natural and medicinal history of worms. Bred in the bodies of men and other animals; taken from the authorities ... together with an enquiry into the original of worms, and the remedies which destroy them ... / Done from the Latin ... by the compiler [i.e. translator] of the General history of drugs [i.e. J. Browne].
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1721- Pictures
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An anatomical dissection taking place in a hall decorated with musclemen and human and animal skeletons in niches. Engraving with etching, 1685.
Date: 1685Reference: 25120i- Books
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Bibliotheca anatomica sive recens in anatomia inventorum thesaurus locupletissimus, in quo integra atque absolutissima totius corporis humani descriptio, eiusdemque oeconomia e praestantissimorum quorumque anatomicorum tractatibus singularibus, tum hactenus in lucem editis, tum etiam ineditis, concinnata exhibetur. Adiecta est partium omnium administratio anatomica. Cum variis earundem praeparationibus curiosissimis disgesserunt, tractatus suppleverunt, argumenta, notulas, et observationes anatomico-practicas addiderunt Daniel Le Clerc et I. Iacobus Mangetus.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728.Date: 1685- Books
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Histoire de la medecine ou l'on void l'origine & le progrès de cet art ... / Par D[aniel] L[e] C[lerc] D.M.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1723- Books
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The history of physick, or, An account of the rise and progress of the art, and the several discoveries therein from age to age : with remarks on the lives of the most eminent physicians / written originally in French by Daniel Le Clerc, M.D. ; and made English by Dr. Drake and Dr. Baden ; with additional notes and sculptures.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1699- Books
Bibliotheca anatomica, medica, chirurgica, &c. Containing a description of the several parts of the body: each done by some one or more eminent physician or chirurgeon; with their diseases and cures. Wherein are not only all the tracts of use that are in the second edition of the Bibliotheca anatomica, lately publish'd by Daniel Clericus and Jacob Mangetus ... but in addition also of near double the number of other curious tracts.
Date: 1711-1714- Books
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Bibliotheca anatomica sive recens in anatomia inventorum thesaurus locupletissimus, in quo integra atque absolutissima totius corporis humani descriptio, eiusdemque oeconomia e praestantissimorum quorumque anatomicorum tractatibus singularibus, tum hactenus in lucem editis, tum etiam ineditis, concinnata exhibetur. Adiecta est partium omnium administratio anatomica. Cum variis earundem praeparationibus curiosissimis disgesserunt, tractatus suppleverunt, argumenta, notulas, et observationes anatomico-practicas addiderunt Daniel Le Clerc et I. Iacobus Mangetus.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728.Date: 1685- Books
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Biographie médicale par ordre chronologique : d'après Daniel Leclerc, Éloy, etc / mise dans un nouvel ordre, revue et complétée par mm. Bayle et Thillaye.
Date: 1855- Books
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Bibliotheca anatomica sive recens in anatomia inventorum thesaurus locupletissimus, in quo integra atque absolutissima totius corporis humani descriptio, ejusdemque oeconomia e praestantissimorum quorumque anatomicorum tractatibus singularibus ... exhibetur. Adjecta est partium omnium administratio anatomica. Cum variis earundem praeparationibus caruosissimus / Digesserunt, tractatus suppleverunt, argumenta ... addiderunt Daniel Clericus & J. Jacob. Mangetus ...
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728.Date: 1699- Books
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The compleat surgeon : or, the whole art of surgery explain'd in a most familiar method. Containing an exact account of its principles and several parts, viz. Of the bones, muscles, tumurs, ulcers, and wounds simple and complicated, or those by gun-shot; as also of venereal diseases, the scruvy, fractures, luxations, and all sorts of chirurgical operations; together with their proper bandages and dressings. To which is added, a chirurgical dispensatory; shewing the manner how to prepare all such medicines as are most necessary for a surgeon, and particularly the mercurial panacæa. Written in French by M. le Clerc, physician in ordinary, and privy-counsellor to the French King; and faithfully translated into English.
Le Clerc, M. (Charles Gabriel), 1644-1700Date: 1696- Books
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Histoire de la medecine ou l'on void l'origine & le progrès de cet art ... / Par D[aniel] L[e] C[lerc] D.M.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1729- Books
Histoire de la medecine ou l'on void l'origine & les progrès de cet art. De siecle en siecle, les sectes, qui s'y sont formées, les noms des médecins, leursdécouvertes, leurs opinions, & les circonstances le plus remarquables de leur vie. Avec des figures en tailles douces tirées des médailles anciennes / par D[aniel] L[e] C[lerc] D.M.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728.Date: 1702- Books
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An answer to what Dr. Freind has written in his History of physick, concerning several mistakes, which he pretends to have found in a short work of Dr. Le Clerc ... / Translated from the eighth article of Bibliotheque ancienne et moderne, vol. 27 ... To which is added, a preface, by W. Cockburn.
Le Clerc, Daniel, 1652-1728Date: 1728