4 results filtered with: Levy, David M. (David Mordecai), 1892-
- Books
The demonstration clinic for the psychological study and treatment of mother and child in medical practice / by David M. Levy.
Levy, David M. (David Mordecai), 1892-Date: [1959], ©1959- Books
Maternal overprotection / by David M. Levy.
Levy, David M. (David Mordecai), 1892-Date: 1943- Books
New fields of psychiatry / by David M. Levy.
Levy, David M. (David Mordecai), 1892-Date: [1947], ©1947- Books
Behavioral analysis : analysis of clinical observations of behavior as applied to mother-newborn relationships / [David Mordecai Levy].
Levy, David M. (David Mordecai), 1892-Date: [1958], ©1958