28 results filtered with: Ling, Per Henrik, 1776-1839
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Ling's educational and curative exercises / by M.J. Chapman.
Chapman, M. J. (Matthew James), -1865.Date: 1875- Books
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Ling's educational and curative exercises / by M.J. Chapman.
Chapman, M. J. (Matthew James), -1865.Date: 1859- Books
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Les principes généraux de l'éducation physique : son but, ses méthodes, importance des exercises corporels, la gymnastique suédoise (P.-H. Ling) / par Lars Sandberg.
Sandberg, Lars.Date: 1906- Books
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Die Grundsätze der rationellen Gymnastik nach dem Systeme des Scweden Ling / von Felix Paul Confeld.
Confeld, Felix Paul.Date: 1860- Books
Exercices de gymnastique : système Ling / par le docteur de Frumerie.
Frumerie, Gustave de, 1849-Date: 1917- Books
Kort redegørelse for den svenske gymnastik : uddrag og studier af P.H. Lings og hans efterfølgeres (Hj. Ling, Nyblæus, Hartelius, Törngen m. fl.) arbejder og skrifter / af kaptejn Norlander.
Norlander, C. H.Date: 1885- Books
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The Swedish system of physical education : its medical and general aspects / by Theodora Johnson.
Johnson, Theodora.Date: 1897- Books
Gymnastic exercises, without apparatus, according to Ling's system, for the due development and strengthening of the human body / by Mathias Roth.
Roth, Mathias, 1839-1891.Date: 1876- Books
Gymnastiklära : efter P.H. Ling och G. Branting. Första häftet, Fäktlära / utgifven af N. Strömberg.
Strömberg, N.Date: [1857]- Books
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Delsarte æsthetic gymnastics / by J. Edgar Foster.
Foster, J. Edgar (Joe Edgar)Date: [between 1900 and 1909?]- Books
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A few words on the curative power of systematized exercises; or the movement cure / Charles Phillips Collins.
Collins, Charles Phillips.Date: [between 1880 and 1900?]- Books
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Gymnastic exercises, according to Ling's system, for the due development and strengthening of the human body / by Mathias Roth.
Roth, Mathias, 1839-1891.Date: 1864- Books
Lingförbundets minneskrift vid Lingiaden i Göteborg 1927 : till 150-årsminnet av P.H. Ling och Lingförbundets 15-årsjubileum / utarbetad av Agne Holmström.
Date: [1927?]- Books
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Gymnastic exercises, without apparatus, according to Ling's system, for the due development and strengthening of the human body / by Mathias Roth.
Roth, Mathias, 1839-1891.Date: 1884- Books
A collection of gymnastic positions / issued by the Royal Gymnastic Central Institute, Stockholm.
Date: 1893- Books
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Swedish gymnastics : a manual of free-standing movements for the use of schools without apparatus / compiled and arranged by J.D. Haasum.
Date: 1904- Books
The gymnastic free exercises of P.H. Ling / arranged by H. Rothstein ; translated, with additions, by M. Roth.
Rothstein, H. (Hugo), 1810-1865.Date: 1853- Books
Per Henrik Lings första gymnastik- och fäkstal med dithörande redskap / studie af Carl Norlander.
Norlander, Carl.Date: 1908- Books
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Gymnastic exercises without apparatus : according to Ling's system, for the due development and strengthening of the human body / by Mathias Roth.
Roth, Mathias, 1839-1891.Date: 1887- Books
En samling gymnastiska ställningar och rörelseformer / utgifven af Kungl. Gymnastiska Centralinstitutet i Stockholm.
Date: 1893- Books
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Gymnastikens allmänna grunder / af Ling, dels af Författaren, dels, enligt dess yttersta vilja, efter dess död, redigerade och på trycket utgifna.
Ling, Per Henrik, 1776-1839.Date: 1840- Books
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Inträdestal, hållet i Svenska Akademien / [Per Henrik Ling].
Ling, Per Henrik, 1776-1839.Date: 1836- Books
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P. H. Ling's Schriften über Leibesübungen / Aus dem Schwedischen übersetzt von H.F. Massmann.
Ling, Per Henrik, 1776-1839.Date: 1847- Books
Lingiaden Stockholm 1939 : kongressen, 24-28 juli.
Lingiaden (1939 : Stockholm, Sweden)Date: 1939- Books
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Ling's Swedish system adapted for the use of schools / arranged by C.M. Ely.
Date: 1891