5 results filtered with: Oresme, Nicole, approximately 1320-1382
- Books
Nicole Oresme and the medieval geometry of qualities and motions : a treatise on the uniformity and difformity of intensities known as Tractatus de configurationibus qualitatum et motuum / edited with an introduction, English translation, and commentary by Marshall Clagett.
Oresme, Nicole, approximately 1320-1382.Date: 1968- Books
Le livre du ciel du monde / edited by Albert D. Menut and Alexander J. Denomy ; translated with an introduction by Albert D. Menut.
Oresme, Nicole, approximately 1320-1382.Date: 1968- Books
Nicolaus Oresmes Kommentar zur Physik des Aristoteles : Kommentar mit Edition der Quaestionen zu Buch 3 und 4 der Aristotelischen Physik sowie von vier Quaestionen zu Buch 5 / Stefan Kirschner.
Kirschner, Stefan.Date: 1997- Books
Nicole Oresme and the kinematics of circular motion: Tractatus de commensurabilitate vel incommensurabilitate motuum celi / edited with an introduction, English translation, and commentary by Edward Grant.
Oresme, Nicole, approximately 1320-1382.Date: 1971- Books
De proportionibus proportionum, and Ad pauca respicientes / Nicole Oresme ; edited with introductions, English translations, and critical notes by Edward Grant.
Oresme, Nicole, approximately 1320-1382.Date: 1966