26 results filtered with: Paynell, Thomas, active 1528-1567
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This booke teachyng all people to gouerne the[m] in health is translated out of the Latine tongue into Englishe, by Thomas Paynell, whiche booke is amended, augmented, and diligently imprinted. 1575.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: [1575]- Books
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De morbo Gallico·.
Hutten, Ulrich von, 1488-1523Date: M.D.XXXIII. [1533] Cum priuilegio- Books
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A moche profitable treatise against the pestilence : translated into Eglyshe by Thomas Paynel Chanon of Martin Abbey.
Date: 1534- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni: or, The schoole of Salernes regiment of health : Containing, most learned and judicious directions and instructions, for the preservation, guide, and government of mans life. Dedicated, unto the late high and mighty King of England, from that university, and published (by consent of learned physicians) for a generall good. Reviewed, corrected, and inlarged with a commentary, for the more plain and easie understanding thereof. / By P.H. Dr. in Physicke, deceased. Whereunto is annexed, a necessary discourse of all sorts of fish, in use among us, with their effects appertaining to the health of man. As also, now, and never before, is added certain precious and approved experiments for health, by a right honorable, and noble personage.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1649 [i.e. 1650]- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This boke teachinge all people to gouerne them in helthe, is translated out of the Latyne tonge in to englyshe by Thomas Paynel.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: [Anno. M.D.XLI. [1541]]- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni : The schoole of Salernes most learned and iuditious directorie, or methodicall instructions, for the guide and gouerning the health of man. Dedicated, and sent by them, to the high and mighty King of England, and published (by consent of learned and skilfull physitions) for the good and benefite of all in generall. Perused, and corrected from many great and grosse imperfections, committed in former impressions: with the comment, and all the Latine verses reduced into English, and ordered in their apt and due places.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: [1617?]- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This booke teachyng all people to gouerne them in healthe, is translated out of the Latyne tonge in to englyshe by Thomas Paynell, which boke is ame[n]ded, augmented, and diligently imprynted.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: Anno Domini. M.D.LVII. [1557]]- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni : This boke techynge all people to gouerne them in helthe, is translated out of the Latyne tounge in to englishe by Thomas Paynell· Whiche boke is amended, augmented, and dilgently imprinted.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: [Anno domini. 1530. mense Februarii]- Books
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Of the vvood called guaiacum : that healeth the frenche pockes, and also helpeth the goute in the feete, the stone, palsey, lepre, dropsy, fallynge euyll, and other diseses. Made in latyn by Vlrich Hutten knyght, and translated in to englysh by Thomas Paynel.
Hutten, Ulrich von, 1488-1523Date: Anno .M.D.XL. [1540]- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni: or, The schoole of Salernes regiment of health : Contayning most learned and judicious directions and instructions, for the guide and government of mans life. Dedicated vnto the high and mighty King of England, from that Vniversity, and published (by consent of learned physitians) for a generall good. Reviewed, corrected, and inlarged with a comentary, for the more plaine and easie vnderstanding thereof. Whereunto is annexed, a necessary discourse of all sorts of fish, in vse among vs, with theyr effects, appertayning to the health of man.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1634- Books
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Of the vvood called guaiacum : that healeth the Frenche pockes, and also helpeth the goute in the feete, the stoone, the palsey, lepree, dropsy, fallynge euyll, and other dyseases.
Hutten, Ulrich von, 1488-1523Date: Anno. M.D.XXXIX. [1539]- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This booke teachyng all people to gouerne them in healthe / is translated out of the Latyne tongue into englyshe by Thomas Paynell which boke is ame[n]ded, augmented, and diligently imprynted.
Date: 1557- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni : The schoole of Salernes most learned and iuditious directorie, or methodicall instructions, for the guide and gouerning the health of man. Dedicated, and sent by them, to the high and mighty King of England, and published (by consent of learned and skilfull physitions) for the good and benefite of all in generall. Perused, and corrected from many great and grosse imperfections, committed in former impressions: with the comment, and all the Latine verses reduced into English, and ordered in their apt and due places.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1617- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni : this booke teaching all people to gouerne them in health / is translated out of the Latine tongue into English, by Thomas Paynell ; which booke is amended, and diligently imprinted.
Date: 1597- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni : This boke techyng al people to gouerne them in helthe, is translated out of the Latyne tonge in to englishe by Thomas Paynell. Whiche boke is as profitable [et] as nedefull to be had and redde as any can be to obserue corporall helthe.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: 1528- Books
Three tracts: I. The modern quack or physical impostor detected ... exposing the present set of pretenders to clap-curing, giving judgment upon urine, etc. ... II. De morbo Gallico, a treatise of the French disease [Translated by T. Paynell from U. von Hutten and revised by D. Turner] ... III. The force of the mother's imagination upon the foetus in utero, considered ... / [Daniel Turner].
Turner, Daniel, 1667-1741Date: 1739- Books
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De morbo Gallico. A treatise of the French disease, publish'd above 200 years past / by Sir Ulrich Hutten ... Translated soon after into English by a canon of Marten-Abbye [T. Paynell]. Now again revised and recommended to the press, with a preface to the same, and a letter at the close, to Mr. James Fern, surgeon, concerning a very singular suppos'd infection. By Daniel Turner.
Hutten, Ulrich von, 1488-1523Date: 1730- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni / This boke teachinge all people to governe them in helthe, is translated out of the Latyne tonge in to englyshe by Thomas Paynel. whiche boke is amended, augmented, and diligently imprinted.
Date: 1541- Books
Regimen Sanitatis Salerni. This booke teachyng all people to gouerne thẽ in health / is translated out of the Latine tongue into Englishe, by Thomas Paynell, whiche booke is amended, augmented, and diligently imprinted. 1575.
Date: 1575- Books
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[Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This booke teachyng all people to gouerne them in healthe, is translated out of the Latyne tonge in to englyshe by Thomas Paynell, which boke is ame[n]ded, augmented, and diligently imprynted.].
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: Anno Domini. M.D.LVII. [1557]]- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This booke teaching all people to gouerne them in health, is translated out of the Latine tongue into English / by Thomas Paynell: which booke is amended, and diligently imprinted.
Date: 1597- Books
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Regimen sanitatis Salerni. This booke teaching all people to gouerne them in health, is translated out of the Latine tongue into English, by Thomas Paynell: which booke is amended, and diligently imprinted.
Joannes, de Mediolano.Date: 1597- Books
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Of the vvood called guaiacum : that healeth the Frenche pockes, and also healeth the goute in the feete, the stoone, the palsey, lepree, dropsy, fallynge euyll, and other dyseases.
Hutten, Ulrich von, 1488-1523Date: M.D.XXXVI. [1536] Cum priuilegio- Books
- Online
Regimen sanitatis Salerni : This boke teachinge all people to gouerne them in helthe, is translated out of the Latyne tonge in to englyshe by Thomas Paynel. whiche boke is amended, augmented, and diligently imprinted.
Joannes, de MediolanoDate: [An.M.D.XXXV. [1535]]- Books
- Online
Of the vvood called guaiacum : t[h]at healeth the Frenche pockes, and also helpeth the goute in the feete, the stoone, palsey, lepre, dropsy, fallynge euyll, and other dyseses.
Hutten, Ulrich von, 1488-1523Date: Anno. M.D.XXXIX. [1539]