14 results filtered with: Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631
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Ranger 1617 : an almanacke seruing for the yeare of our Lord MDCXVII, being the yeare from the worlds creation 5579, & the first from the leap yeare : calculated and properly referred to the paralell and meridian of the honourable citty of Yorke, where the pole is mounted aboue the horizon 54. deg. 20. mi., and may serue without sensible error all the parts of Great Brittaine which lie betwixt the riuers of Trent and Tweed / by Phillip Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1617]- Books
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Ranger 1623 : a new almanack and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1623, being the yeare from the worlds creation 5523, and the third after the leape yeare : calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citty of Yorke, where the pole is raised aboue the horizon 54 degrees 20 minutes and whose longitude is reckoned 23 degrees 30 minutes so that it may serue for all eclipses and aspects for the honourable citty of London without any sensible error / by Philip Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: 1623- Books
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Ranger 1630 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1630, being from the worlds creation 5579 and the second after leape yeare : calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of Yorke, where the pole is raysed aboue the horizon 54. degrees, 25. minutes, and whose longitude is reckoned 22. degrees, 25 minutes so that it may well serue for all eclipses and aspects for the honourable city of London without any sensible errour / by Phill. Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1630]- Books
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Ranger 1621 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1621, being the yeare from the worlds creation 5583, and the first after leap-yere : calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honorable city of York, where the pole is raised aboue the horizon 54. degrees 20. min., and whole longitude is reckoned 23 deg. 30 min. so that it may serue without sensible error for the honorable city of London / by Phillip Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1621]- Books
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Ranger 1622 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord God 1622, being the yeare from the worlds creation 5584, and second after leap-yeare : calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honorable city of York, where the pole is raised aboue the horizon 54 degrees 20 min. and whose longitude is reckoned 23 deg. 30 min. so that it may serue the honorable city of London without sensible error / by Philip Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1622]- Books
- Online
Ranger, 1619 : a new almanacke and prognostication, for the yeare of our Redemption, 1619, being the yere of the worlds creation, 5581, and the third from the leape-yeare : calculated and composed according to art, and referred to the parallel and meridian of the honourable citie of York, where the pole is mounted aboue the horizon 54. degrees 20. min, and may serue without sensible error all the parts of Great Britaine which lye betwixt the riuers of Trent and Tweed / by Phillip Ranger, Gent. and student in the arts mathematicall.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1619]- Books
- Online
Ranger [1615] : an al[manack] for the yeare of our Lord M.DCXV, being the yeare from the worlds creation 5577 : calculated and properly referred to the parallel and meridian of the honorable citty of Yorke, where the pole is mounted aboue the horizon 54. degrees, 20. minuts, and may serue without sensible error all the parts of Great Brittaine which are betwixt the riuers of Trent and Tweed / by Philip Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: 1615- Books
- Online
Ranger 1626 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1626, being from the wordls [sic] creation 5575 yeeres, and the second after leape yeare : calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of Yorke, where the pole is raysed aboue the horizon 54 degrees 10 minutes and whose longitude is reckoned 22 degrees 25 minutes so that it may well serue for all eclipses and aspects for the honourable city of London without any sensible errour / by Philip Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1626]- Books
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Ranger. 1624 : A new almanacke, and prognostication, for the yeere of our Lord God 1624. Being leape yeere, and the yeere from the worlds creation 5573. : Calculated, and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of Yorke, where the pole is mounted aboue the horizon 54. degrees, 20. minutes, and whose longitude is reckoned 23. degrees, 30 minutes. So that it may serue for all eclipses and aspects for the honourable citie of London, without any sensible error. / By Philip Ranger gent. and student in the artes mathematical.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1624]- Books
- Online
Ranger 1631 : A new almanacke, and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord 1631. Being from the worlds creation 5580 and the third after leape yeare. Calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of Yorke where the pole is raysed aboue the hori[z]on 54. degrees 35. minutes. And whose longitude is reckoned 22. degrees, 25. minutes so that it may well serue for all eclipses; and aspects for the honourable city of London, without any sensible errour. / By Phill. Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1631]- Books
- Online
Ranger 1631 : A new almanacke, and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord 1631. Being from the worlds creation 5580 and the third after leape yeare. Calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of Yorke where the pole is raysed aboue the hori[z]on 54. degrees 35. minutes. And whose longitude is reckoned 22. degrees, 25. minutes so that it may well serue for all eclipses; and aspects for the honourable city of London, without any sensible errour. / By Phill. Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1631]- Books
- Online
Ranger 1631 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeare of our Lord 1631, being from the worlds creation 5580 and the third after leape yeare : calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of Yorke, where the pole is raysed aboue the hori[z]on 54. degrees, 35. minutes, and whose longitude is reckoned 22. degrees, 25 minutes so that it may well serue for all eclipses and aspects for the honourable city of London without any sensible errour / by Phill. Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1631]- Books
- Online
Ranger, 1628 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God, 1628, being from the worlds creation, 5777, and leape yeare : calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of Polke, where the pole is raysed aboue the horizon 54 degrees, 25. minutes, and whose longitude is reckoned 22. degrees, 25 minutes, so that it may well serue for all eclipses and aspects for the honourable city of London without any sensible errour / by Philip Ranger, Gent. and student in the arts mathematicall.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1619]- Books
- Online
Ranger 1627 : a new almanacke and prognostication for the yeere of our Lord God 1627, being from the wordls [sic] creation 5576 and the third after leape yeare : calculated and properly referred to the meridian of the honourable citie of Yorke, where the pole is raysed aboue the horizon 54. degrees, 20. minutes, and whose longitude is reckoned 22. degrees, 25 minutes so that it may well serue for all eclipses and aspects for the honourable city of London without any sensible errour / by Philip Ranger.
Ranger, Philip, active 1615-1631Date: [1627]