16 results filtered with: Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
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Pharmacopœia collegi mediocorum Regis et Reginae in Hibernia.
Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.Date: 1820- Ephemera
- Online
Invitation to a meeting on 'Early medical intervention in human immunodeficiency virus infection / Ciaran Barry, M.D.
Date: 1990- Books
- Online
Pharmacopoeia officinalis Britannica, or, A new translation into English of the last edition of the Pharmacopoeia of the Royal College of Physicians of London : with which are incorporated all the formulae of the Dublin and Edinburgh colleges in alphabetical order ; together with notes explanatory of the different processes, a correct table of old and new names, and a copious index / by Richard Stocker.
Royal College of Physicians of London.Date: 1816- Books
A letter to the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London, of Dublin, and of Edinburgh ... respecting a proposal for the improvement of medicine / by publishing annually under the authority of these three Royal Colleges a Pharmacopoeia Britannica.
Duncan, Andrew, 1744-1828Date: 1826]- Books
- Online
Medicina vindicata, or, Reflections on bleeding, vomiting, and purging : in the beginning of fevers, small-pox, pleurisies, and other acute diseases / By a Fellow of the College of Physicians in Dublin.
Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians in Dublin.Date: 1728- Books
- Online
Statutes and by-laws of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland, made in pursuance of the powers granted by Their Majesties' Charter.
Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.Date: 1851- Books
- Online
Our fellow lodgers : a lecture delivered before the Royal College of Physicians / by the Rev. R. Walsh.
Walsh, Robert.Date: 1847- Books
- Online
Rapport van het Koninklijk Geneeskundig Genootschap te London, over de koepok-inëning; met een aanhangsel, behelzende, de gevoelens der Koninklyke Geneeskundige Genootschappen van Edinburg en Dublin, nevens die der Koninklijke Heelkundige Genootschappen van London, Dublin en Edinburg / Vertaald en uitgegeven, door het Genootschap ter Bevordering van de Koepok-inënting te Rotterdam.
Royal College of Physicians of London. LibraryDate: 1807- Books
- Online
Report of the Royal College of Physicians of London on vaccination. With an appendix, containing the opinions of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of Edinburgh and Dublin; and of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of London, of Dublin, and of Edinburgh / Ordered to be printed, by the House of Commons.
Royal College of Physicians of London.Date: 1807- Books
- Online
Report ... on vaccination. With an appendix, containing the opinions of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of Edinburgh and Dublin, and of the Royal Colleges of Surgeons of London, of Dublin, and of Edinburgh / Ordered to be printed 8th July 1807.
Royal College of Physicians of LondonDate: [1807]- Journals
Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons.
Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons.- Books
- Online
The pharmacopoeia of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. MDCCCL.
Date: 1850- Books
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Pharmacopoeia Collegii Medicorum Regis et Reginae in Hibernia.
Date: 1826- Books
The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.
Date: [19??]- Books
- Online
A letter to the Royal Colleges of Physicians of London, of Dublin, and of Edinburgh, from Andrew Duncan ... respecting a proposal for the improvement of medicine, by publishing annually, under the authority of these three Royal Colleges, a Pharmacopoeia Britannica.
Duncan, Andrew, 1744-1828.Date: 1826?]- Ephemera
- Online
International medical symposium : "Early intervention in human immunodeficiency virus infection" at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, 6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 : Friday, November 30th, 1990.
Date: 1990