4 results filtered with: Sāyaṇa, -1387
- Books
Śrīśuklayajurvede Śatapathabrāhmaṇam mādhyandinīyīyāṃ śākhāyāṃanusr̥tya śrīmatsāyaṇācāryaharisvāmidvivedagaṅgakr̥tabhāṣyebhyaḥ sāramuddhr̥tya ḍā. Albertena Vebereṇa śodhitam = The Catapatha-Brahmana in the Madhyindina-Cakha wiht extracts from the commentaries of Sayana, Harisvamin and Dvivedaganga edited by Albrecht Weber.
Date: [1964]- Books
- Online
Rig-Veda-Sanhita : the sacred hymns of the Brahmans together with the commentary of Sayanacharya / edited by Max Müller. Published under the patronage of the Honourable the East-India-Company.
Date: 1849-1874- Books
R̥gveda-saṃhitā = R̥gveda saṃhitā Sanskrit text, English translation, and notes according to the translation of H.H. Wilson and Bhāṣya of Sāyaṇācārya / edited & revised with an exhaustive introduction and notes by Ravi Prakash Arya, K.L. Joshi.
Date: 1997- Books
Rudrādhyāyaḥ sāyaṇācāryabhaṭṭabhāskarapraṇītabhāṣyābhyāṁ saṁvalitah. vidvadbhiḥ saṁśodhitaḥ.
Date: 1976