3 results filtered with: Shakerley, Jeremy, active 1651
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Tabulæ Britannicæ : the British tables : wherein is contained logistical arithmetick, the doctrine of the sphere, astronomicall chronologie, the ecclesiastical accompt, the equation and reduction of time : together with the calculation of the motions of the fixed and wandering stars and the eclipses of the luminaries / calculated for the meridian of London from the hypothesis of Bullialdus and the observations of Mr. Horrox by Jeremy Shakerley.
Shakerley, Jeremy, active 1651Date: 1653- Books
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The anatomy of Urania practica : or, a short mathematicall discourse; laying open the errors and impertinencies delivered in a treatise lately published by Mr. Vincent Wing, and Mr. William Leybourne, under the title of Urania practica. By Jeremy Shakerley philomath.
Shakerley, Jeremy, active 1651Date: 1649- Books
- Online
Anni æræ salutis Christianæ. 1651 synopsis compendiaria. Or, A brief description of the yeer of humane redemption M.DC.LI : ... Contaiug [sic] the apparent motions of the sun and moon, together with their configurations, deduced from the ephemerides of Eichstadius, being the best now extant. Together with a full and absolute description of two eclipses of the earth hapning this yeer (though not apparent in our European world) after a new method, hitherto unpractised by any English yeerly writer. Whereto is added a short astronomical discourse, de Mercurio in sole videndo Accommodated to the horizon of London, ... By Jeremy Shakerley philomath.
Shakerley, Jeremy, active 1651Date: 1651