52 results filtered with: St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)
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Pharmacopoeia in usum Nosocomii Londinensis Sancti Thomae.
Date: 1800- Books
Descriptive catalogue of the preparations in the museum. Of St. Thomas's Hospital.
St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)Date: 1847-1859- Books
Pharmacopoeia nosocomii regalis Sancti Thomæ, 1867.
St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)Date: 1867- Books
Directions and prayers for the use of the patients in the Hospital.
St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)Date: [1771]- Books
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The charge of the governours of St. Thomas's Hospital.
St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)Date: [1700?]- Books
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The governors of St. Thomas's Hospital in Southwark, 1710.
St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)Date: [1710]- Books
De morbo Gallico omnia quae extant apud omnes medicos cuiuscunque nationis, qui vel integris libris, vel quoquo alio modo huius affectus curationem methodicè aut empiricè tradiderunt, diligenter hincinde conquisita, sparsim inuenta, erroribus expurgata, & in vnum tandem hoc corpus redacta. : In quo de ligno indico, salsa perillia, radice chynæ, argento uiuo, cæterisq́[ue] rebus omnibus ad huius luis profligationem inuentis, diffusissima tractatio habetur. Cum indice locupletissimo rerum omnium scitu dignarum, ... . Tomus prior[-posterior].
Date: 1566-67- Books
Pharmacopoeia and vade mecum / St. Thomas's Hospital ; compiled by J.B. Harman and C. Wilson Peck.
St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)Date: 1953- Journals
- Online
Saint Thomas's Hospital reports.
Date: 1836-1952- Books
Alphabetical and local list of old students, 1948 / [St. Thomas's Hospital].
St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)Date: 1948]- Books
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Lectures on the principles and practice of surgery, as delivered in the theatre of St. Thomas's Hospital / [Sir Astley Cooper].
Cooper, Astley, Sir, 1768-1841Date: 1835- Books
- Online
The modern practice of the London hospitals. Viz. St. Bartholomew's, St. Thomas's, Guy's, St. George's, the Portuguese, and the Lock, at Hyde-Park-Corner.
Date: MDCCLXX. [1770]- Books
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The modern practice of the London hospitals. Viz. St. Bartholomew's, St. Thomas's, St. George's, and Guy's. Containing exact copies of the receipts, and a particular account of the different methods of cure.
Date: 1766- Books
Pharmacopoeia of St. Thomas's Hospital / compiled under the direction of a committee of the medical and surgical staff by J.A. Jennings.
St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)Date: 1922- Books
- Online
[Admission ticket to ceremony of laying the first stone of the new St. Thomas's Hospital, 1868].
St. Thomas' Hospital (London, England)Date: [1868]- Books
- Online
Lectures on the principles and practice of surgery : as delivered in the theatre os St. Thomas's Hospital / by Sir Astley Cooper.
Cooper, Astley, Sir.Date: 1829- Books
Memoir of Benjamin Travers, F.R.S., senior surgeon to St. Thomas's Hospital ... From the Medical portrait gallery / [Thomas Joseph Pettigrew].
Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph, 1791-1865.Date: 1839- Books
- Online
Lectures on the principles and practice of surgery, as delivered in the theatre of St. Thomas's Hospital / By Sir Astley Cooper ... Taken in short hand.
Cooper, Astley, Sir, 1768-1841.Date: 1829- Books
- Online
On the treatment of acute rheumatism by salicylate of soda.
Sharkey, Seymour John (Sir)Date: 1878- Books
A lecture introductory to the course on the practice of medicine. Delivered at St. Thomas's Hospital / [Thomas Hodgkin].
Hodgkin, Thomas, 1798-1866Date: [1842]- Journals
St. Thomas's reports.
Date: 1949-- Books
An historical account of St. Thomas' Hospital, Southwark / by Benjamin Golding.
Golding, Benjamin, 1793-1863.Date: 1819- Books
- Online
The supplication made to His Majesty King Edward the Sixth, for obtaining the House of Bridewell : and a copy of the deed of settlement, made by His Majesty King Edward the Sixth, on the Hospitals of Christ, Bridewell, and St. Thomas.
Bridewell Royal HospitalDate: 1807- Books
- Online
General pathology, as conducive to the establishment of rational principles for the diagnosis and treatment of disease : a course of lectures, delivered at St. Thomas's Hospital, during the summer session of 1850 / by John Simon.
Simon, John, Sir, 1816-1904.Date: 1852- Books
- Online
Lectures on the principles and practice of surgery, as delivered in the theatre of St. Thomas's Hospital / By Sir Astley Cooper.
Cooper, Astley, Sir, 1768-1841.Date: 1832