2 results filtered with: Strait, N. A. (Newton Allen), 1846-1922
- Books
- Online
An alphabetical list of the battles of the war of the rebellion : with dates / compiled from official records by J.W. Wells and N.A. Strait ; revised by N.A. Strait, with the addition of many incidents of the war, including the number killed, wounded, and missing in each important battle; a list of battles fought since 1775; a chronological history of the war with Mexico; and a roster of all regimental surgeons in the late war, with their service and last-known post-office address / compiled from official records for use of U.S. Pension office.
Date: 1882- Books
- Online
An Alphabetical list of the battles of the War of the Rebellion : with dates, from Ft. Sumter, S.C., April 12 and 13, 1861, to Kirby Smith's surrender, May 26, 1865 / compiled from the official records of the Office of the Adjutant-General and the Surgeon-General, U.S.A. by J.W. Wells and N.A. Strait ; rev. by Newton A. Strait, with the addition of many incidents of the war, a chronological history of the war of the rebellion, and a list of the presidents and vice-presidents of the United States from Washington to Arthur, and a roster of all the regimental surgeons and assistant surgeons in the late war and hospital service.
Date: 1883