2 results filtered with: Sudell, Nicholas
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Mulierum amicus: or, The womans friend : plainly discovering all those diseases that are incident to that sex only, and advising them to cure, either 1. By those receipts prescribed. Or, 2. By certain secret arcanums and specifical medicines. The author hereof living at the sign of the Golden Ball and Flower-Pot in Mark-Lane in Tower-street, and is lycensiate in physick, and student in chymistry; known commonly by the name of Nich. Sudell.
Sudell, NicholasDate: 1666- Books
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The description and cure of the Kentish and all other agues : plainly discovering what it is, from whence it comes; with the reasons of those particular symptomes that do usually attend the same. And humbly shewing (in a measure) the authors judgment, why so many are not cured; with advice in relation thereunto; whether it be quotidian, tertian, or quartan, simple, duble, or triple. With several other observations and instructions, tending to the good welfare of mankind. By Nicholas Sudell, licentiate in phisick, and student in chimistry. Before the fire, living in Mark-Lane, London. But now in the city of Rochester in the county of Kent.
Sudell, NicholasDate: 1669