103 results filtered with: Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860
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The anatomy of the thymus gland / by Sir Astley Cooper.
Cooper, Astley, Sir, 1768-1841.Date: 1832- Books
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Medizinisches Realwörterbuch zum Handgebrauch practischer Aerzte und Wundärzte und zu belehrender Nachweisung für gebildete Personen aller Stände / herausgegeben von Johann Friedrich Pierer.
Date: 1816-1829- Books
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The physiological anatomy and physiology of man / by Robert B. Todd, William Bowman, and Lionel S. Beale.
Beale, Lionel S. (Lionel Smith), 1828-1906.Date: 1866- Books
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The Lumleian lectures for 1850 ... On the pathology and treatment of delirium and coma / [Robert Bentley Todd].
Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860Date: [1850]- Books
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The descriptive and physiological anatomy of the brain, spinal cord, and ganglions, and of their coverings : Adapted for the use of students.
Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860.Date: 1845- Books
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On the contractility or irritability of the muscles of paralysed limbs, and their excitability by the galvanic current, in comparison with the corresponding muscles of healthy limbs / by Robert Bentley Todd.
Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860.Date: [1847]- Books
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Aretaioy kaiiadokoy ta sozomena = The extant works of Aretaeus, the Cappadocian / edited and translated by Francis Adams.
Date: 1856- Books
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Practical remarks on gout, rheumatic fever, and chronic rheumatism of the joints : being the substance of the Croonian lectures for the present year, delivered at the College of Physicians / by Robert Bentley Todd.
Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860.Date: 1843- Books
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Symbolae ad ovi avium historiam ante incubationem / auctore Joanne Evangelista Purkinje.
Purkyně, Jan Evangelista, 1787-1869.Date: 1830- Books
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Opera omnia / Thomae Sydenham ; edidit Guilielmus Alexander Greenhill.
Sydenham, Thomas, 1624-1689.Date: 1844- Books
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The cyclopaedia of anatomy and physiology / Edited by Robert B. Todd.
Date: 1836-59- Books
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An elementary system of physiology / by John Bostock.
Bostock, John, 1773-1846.Date: 1824-1827- Books
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The physiological anatomy and physiology of man / by Robert Bentley Todd and William Bowman.
Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860.Date: 1857- Books
- Online
Practical remarks on gout, rheumatic fever and chronic rheumatism of the joints : being the substance of the Croonian lectures for the present year, delivered at the College of Physicians / by Robert Bentley Todd.
Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860.Date: 1843- Books
- Online
Earnest appeals : in a series of letters, on subjects relating to the present and eternal happiness of the soul.
Date: 1854- Books
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Recherches expérimentales, physiologiques et chimiques sur la digestion : considérée dans les quatre classes d'animaux vertébrés / par Fréd. Tiedemann et Léop. Gmelin ; traduitesde l'allemand par A.-J.-L. Jourdan.
Tiedemann, Friedrich, 1781-1861.Date: 1826-1827- Books
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Experiments upon the circulation of the blood, throughout the vascular system : on languid circulation, on the motion of the blood, independent of the action of the heart, and on the pulsations of the arteries / by the Abbe Spallanzani ; with notes, and a sketch of the literary life of the author, by J. Tourdes ; translated into English, and illustrated with additional notes, by R. Hall.
Spallanzani, Lazzaro, 1729-1799.Date: 1801- Books
The physiological anatomy and physiology of man / by Robert B. Todd, William Bowman, and Lionel S. Beale.
Beale, Lionel S. (Lionel Smith), 1828-1906Date: 1866-- Books
- Online
On the structure of the mucuous membrane of the stomach : from the Gulstonian Lectures for 1839 delivered at the Royal College of Physicians in London.
Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860.Date: [1839]- Books
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Traité de physiologie comparée de l'homme et des animaux / par Ant. Dugès.
Dugès, Ant. (Antoine), 1797-1838.Date: 1838- Books
Clinical lectures on certain diseases of the urinary organs : and on dropsies / [Robert Bentley Todd].
Todd, Robert Bentley, 1809-1860.Date: 1857- Books
The cyclopaedia of anatomy and physiology / edited by Robert B. Todd.
Date: 1835-- Books
- Online
An introduction to the study of chemical philosophy : being a preparatory view of the forces which concur to the production of chemical phenomena / by J. Frederic Daniell.
Daniell, J. Frederic (John Frederic), 1790-1845.Date: M.DCCC.XLIII [1843]- Books
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An experimental enquiry into the effects of tonics, and other medicinal substances on the cohesion of the animal fibre / by Adair Crawford ; edited by Alexander Crawford.
Crawford, Adair, 1748-1795.Date: 1816- Books
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An elementary compendium of physiology : for the use of students / by F. Magendie ; translated from the French, with copious notes and illustrations, by E. Milligan.
Magendie, François, 1783-1855.Date: MDCCCXXXI. [1831]