32 results filtered with: Willis, Robert, 1799-1878
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A lecture introductory to the course on the principles and practice of medicine, delivered at the Aldersgate Street School of Medicine, 1839-40; to which is appended a syllabus of the course / by Robert Willis.
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878.Date: 1839- Books
Elements of physiology, for the use of students, and with particular reference to the wants of practitioners / by Rudolph Wagner ... ; translated from the German, with additions, by Robert Willis.
Wagner, Rudolph, 1805-1864.Date: 1844- Books
Urinary diseases and their treatment / by Robert Willis.
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878Date: 1838- Books
On the special function of the sudoriparous and lymphatic systems : their vital import, and their bearing on health and disease / by Robert Willis.
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878Date: 1867- Books
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Servetus and Calvin : a study of an important epoch in the early history of the reformation / by R. Willis.
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878.Date: 1877- Books
Dissertatio medica inauguralis de dyspepsia / [Robert Willis].
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878.Date: 1819- Books
An anatomical disquisition on the motion of the heart & blood in animals / by William Harvey ; translated from the Latin by Robert Willis ; [with an introduction by E.A. Parkyn].
Harvey, William, 1578-1657.Date: [1907?]- Books
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The anatomy of the brain : with a general view of the nervous system / by G. Spurzheim ; tr. from the unpublished French ms. by R. Willis ; with eleven plates.
Spurzheim, J. G. (Johann Gaspar), 1776-1832.Date: 1826- Books
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On the decrease of disease effected by the progress of civilisation / by C.F.H. Marx, M.D. ... and R. Willis, M.D.
Marx, K. F. H. (Karl Friedrich Heinrich), 1796-1877.Date: 1844- Books
- Online
On the motion of the heart and blood in animals / Willis's translation rev. & ed. by Alex Bowie.
Harvey, William, 1578-1657.Date: 1889- Books
On the decrease of disease effected by the progress of civilization / by C.F.H. Marx ... and R. Willis.
Marx, K. F. H. (Karl Friedrich Heinrich), 1796-1877Date: 1844- Books
- Online
The anatomy of the brain : with a general view of the nervous system / by G. Spurzheim ; translated from the unpublished French ms. by R. Willis ; with eleven plates.
Spurzheim, J. G. (Johann Gaspar), 1776-1832.Date: 1826- Books
- Online
The anatomy of the brain : with a general view of the nervous system / by J.G. Spurzheim ; translated from the unpublished French ms. by R. Willis.
Spurzheim, J. G. (Johann Gaspar), 1776-1832.Date: 1836- Books
William Harvey : a history of the discovery of the circulation of the blood / by R. Willis ; With a portrait of Harvey, after Faithorne.
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878.Date: 1878- Books
Servetus and Calvin : a study of an important epoch in the early history of the reformation / by R. Willis.
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878.Date: 1877- Books
- Online
Urinary diseases, and their treatment / by Robert Willis.
Date: 1838- Books
- Online
On the treatment of stone in the bladder by medical and mechanical means / by R. Willis.
Date: 1842- Books
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The works of William Harvey / Translated from the Latin with a life of the author by Robert Willis.
Harvey, William, 1578-1657.Date: 1847- Books
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Dissertatio medica inauguralis de senectute ... / eruditorum examini subjicit Thomas Shapter.
Shapter, Thomas, 1809 or 1810-1902.Date: 1831- Books
- Online
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de dyspepsia ... / eruditorum examini subjicit Robertus Willis.
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878.Date: 1819- Books
Illustrations of cutaneous disease : a series of delineations of the affections of the skin in their more interesting and frequent forms; with a practical summary of their symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, including appropriate formulae / by Robert Willis ; the drawings after nature, and lithographed by Arch. Henning.
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878.Date: 1841- Books
- Online
On the special function of the sudoriparous and lymphatic systems : their vital import, and their bearing on health and disease / by Robert Willis.
Willis, Robert, 1799-1878.Date: 1867- Books
- Online
Phrenology, or The doctrine of the mind : and of the relations between its manifestations and the body / By G. Spurzheim, M.D.
Spurzheim, J. G. (Johann Gaspar), 1776-1832.Date: [between 1830 and 1839]- Books
- Online
Elements of physiology : for the use of students, and with especial reference to the wants of practitioners / Tr. from the German, with additions by Robert Willis.
Wagner, Rudolph, 1805-1864.Date: 1841-2- Books
- Online
A theoretical and practical treatise on the diseases of the skin / by P. Rayer.
Rayer, Pierre François Olive, 1793-1867.Date: 1835