50 results filtered with: Atlases (Geographic)
- Books
Atlas maior, sive, Cosmographia Blaviana, qua solum, salum, cœlum, accuratissime describuntur / [Joan Blaeu].
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673.Date: 1662- Maps
National atlas of disease mortality in the United Kingdom / prepared by G. Melvyn Howe on behalf of the Royal Geographical Society.
Howe, G. Melvyn (George Melvyn)Date: 1963- Books
- Online
Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens et du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes / Par Guillaume-Thomas Raynal ... [Anon].
Raynal, abbé (Guillaume-Thomas-François), 1713-1796.Date: 1780- Books
The Times survey atlas of the world : a comprehensive series of new and authentic maps reduced from the national surveys of the world and the special surveys of travellers and explorers with general index of over two hundred thousand names / prepared at the "Edinburgh Geographical Institute" under the direction of J.G. Bartholomew.
Date: 1922- Books
Where to go and how to get there : Hovis road map of England, Wales and Scotland / by Hovis Ltd.
Date: [1930?]- Books
The new Oxford atlas / prepared by the Cartographic Department of the Oxford University Press.
Oxford University Press. Cartographic Department.Date: 1978- Books
A social atlas of London / John Shepherd, John Westaway, Trevor Lee.
Shepherd, John, 1944-Date: 1974- Books
Atlas of the transatlantic slave trade / David Eltis and David Richardson ; foreword by David Brion Davis ; afterword by David W. Blight.
Eltis, David, 1940-Date: [2010], ©2010- Books
The march of man : a chronological record of peoples and events from prehistoric times to the present day: comprising a comparative time chart of universal history in seven sections, an historical atlas of 96 pages and 64 plates of illustration / general editor: Lawrence H. Dawson ... Historical atlas prepared by George Philip ... and Ramsay Muir ... with the collaboration in the American section of Robert McElroy.
Date: [1935], ©1935- Books
Atlas zum Heiligen Land : Karten der Terra Sancta durch zwei Jahrtausende / Kenneth Nebenzahl.
Nebenzahl, Kenneth, 1927-2020.Date: 1986- Books
Libby's modern world atlas / Libby, McNeill & Libby, Ltd.
Date: [between 1930 and 1939?]- Books
Atlas of the South Pacific.
Date: 1986- Books
The theatre of the empire of Great-Britain : presenting an exact geography of the Kingdon of England, Scotland, Ireland, and the isles adjoyning, with a chronology of the civil wars in England, Wales and Ireland / Together with A prospect of the most famous parts of the world, viz. Asia, Africa, Europe, America. By John Speed. In this new edition are added, in The theatre of Great Britain, the principal roads in England and Wales, the market towns, a continusation of all the battels, the arms of all the dukes and earls, the descriptions of his Majesty's dominions abroad; with a map fairly engraven to each description, viz. New England, New York, Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Mary-Land, Jamaica, Barbadoes. In the Prospect of the world, the empire of the Great Mogul, with the rest of the East-Indies, Palestine, the empire of Russia.
Speed, John, 1552?-1629.Date: 1676- Books
Historical atlas of Africa / general editors, J.F. Ade Ajayi & Michael Crowder.
Date: 1985- Books
Atlas of the Jewish world / Nicholas de Lange.
De Lange, N. R. M. (Nicholas Robert Michael), 1944-Date: [1984], ©1984- Books
The citizen's atlas of the world / [J.G. Bartholomew].
Bartholomew, J. G. (John George), 1860-1920.Date: 1924- Maps
The atlas of states : global change 1900-2000 / A.J. Christopher.
Christopher, A. J., 1939-Date: [1999], ©1999- Books
Historical atlas of the Middle East / G.S.P. Freeman-Grenville ; [cartography, Lorraine Kessel].
Freeman-Grenville, G. S. P. (Greville Stewart Parker)Date: [1993], ©1993- Books
A complete system of geography. Being a description of all thecountries, islands, cities, chief towns, harbours, lakes, and rivers, mountains, mines, &c. of the known world. Shewing the situation, extent, and boundaries of the several empires, kingdoms, republics, principalities, provinces, &c. their climate, soil, and produce ... and the distance and bearing of all the principal towns from one another. Including the most material revolutions and changes that have happen'd in every state ... / The whole llustrated with seventy maps by Emanuel Bowen.
Bowen, Emanuel, 1693 or 1694-1767.Date: 1747- Books
Master atlas of Greater London.
Date: 1988- Books
The Royal Primrose atlas of the British Empire : issued in jubilee year 1935 / John Knight Ltd.
Date: 1935- Books
Welt-Seuchen-Atlas : Weltatlas der Seuchenverbreitung und Seuchenbewegung / in verbindung mit Richard Ernst Bader [and others] ; herausgegeben von Ernst Rodenwaldt.
Date: [1952]-- Books
- Online
Atlas metódico para la enseñanza de la geografía de la República Mexicana : formado y dedicado á la Sociedad mexicana de geografía y estadistica / por el ingeniero Antonio García Cubas.
García Cubas, Antonio, 1832-1912.Date: 1874- Books
The Times atlas of world history / edited by Geoffrey Barraclough.
Date: 1993- Books
The Oxford atlas / edited by Clinton Lewis, J.D. Campbell ; with the assistance of D.P. Dickmore and K.F. Cook.
Date: 1957