1,842 results filtered with: Bibliographies
- Books
Bibliography of clay pipe studies. 1, Topographical : British Isles / edited by Susan Atkin.
Date: [1989], ©1989- Books
Three decades of medical research at the College of Medicine, Ibadan, Nigeria, 1948-1980 : a list of the papers published by members of the College of Medicine of the University of Ibadan from its foundation through 1980 / compiled by Freya D. De Cola, Patricia H. Shoyinka.
De Cola, Freya D.Date: 1984- Books
A world bibliography of oriental bibliographies / [compiled] by Theodore Besterman ; revised and brought up to date by J.D. Pearson.
Besterman, Theodore, 1904-1976.Date: 1975- Books
List of periodicals in the World Health Organization Library, 1 November 1959.
World Health Organization.Date: 1959- Books
Catalogues compiled by the Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre : supplement / edited by Jeannine Alton.
Alton, Jeannine.Date: ©1981-- Books
En torno a la muerte : una bibliografía, México, 1559-1990 / María Concepción Lugo Olín.
Lugo Olín, Concepción.Date: 1994- Books
Master book list for Bibliographia Huntiana : a preliminary list of botanical books published from 1730 to 1840.
Date: 1972- Books
A bibliography of nursing literature, 1961-1970 / edited and compiled by Alice M.C. Thompson.
Thompson, Alice M. C.Date: 1974- Books
Cheshire : a genealogical bibliography / by Stuart A. Raymond.
Raymond, Stuart A., 1945-Date: 1995- Books
Alambicchi di parole : il Ricettario fiorentino e dintorni : Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana, 18 ottobre 1999-15 gennaio 2000 / a cura di Giovanna Lazzi, Mino Gabriele.
Date: 1999- Books
Printing in England in the fifteenth century : E. Gordon Duff's bibliography, with supplementary descriptions, chronologies and a census of copies / by Lotte Hellinga.
Duff, E. Gordon (Edward Gordon), 1863-1924.Date: 2009- Books
Bibliotheca manuscripta Petri Hispani : os manuscritos das obras atribuídas a Pedro Hispano / José Francisco Meirinhos.
Meirinhos, José FranciscoDate: 2011- Books
Répertoire des catalogues et inventaires de manuscrits arabes / par Georges Vajda avec la collaboration de Madeleine Durantet.
Vajda, Georges.Date: 1949- Books
Percursos na história do livro médico, 1450-1800 / org., Palmira Fontes da Costa, Adelino Cardoso.
Date: 2011- Books
A tercentennial contribution to a checklist of Kingston imprints to 1867 / compiled by Queen's University librarians ; edited by A.R. Hazelgrove.
Douglas Library.Date: 1978- Books
Esquistossomose : bibliografia brasileira.
Instituto Brasileiro de Bibliografia e Documentação. Serviço de Bibliografia.Date: 1958-- Books
Bibliotheca chimica. Seu catalogus librorum philosophicorum hermeticorum : in quo quatuor millia circiter authorum chimicorum vel de transmutatione metallorum, re minerali, & arcanis, tam manuscriptorum, quam in lucem editorum, cum eorum editionibus, vsque ad annum 1653 continentur. / Cum eiusdem bibliothecæ appendice, & corollario. / Authore Petro Borellio Castrensi, medico doctore.
Borel, Pierre, 1620?-1671.Date: M. DC. LIV. [1654]- Books
A catalogue of books in the Bristol Reference Library printed in England, Scotland, and Ireland and of English books printed abroad, 1641-1700.
Bristol Reference Library.Date: 1958- Books
Publications from the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum.
Wellcome Historical Medical Museum.Date: [The Museum],- Books
Bibliography of North American geology, 1929 and 1930 / by John M. Nickles.
Nickles, John M. (John Milton), 1859-1945.Date: 1931- Books
Bibliografía comentada de la medicina tradicional mexicana (1900-1978) / Axel Ramírez.
Ramírez Morales, Axel.Date: 1978- Books
Los impresos científicos españoles de los siglos XV y XVI : inventario, bibliometría y thesaurus / José Ma. López Piñero [and others].
Date: 1981-<1984>- Books
Cohort analysis of mortality : an historical survey of the literature / Christabel M. Young.
Young, Christabel M.Date: 1978- Books
Bibliography of the publications of George Urdang on his birth anniversary / Georg Dann, Gregory Higby.
Dann, Georg Edmund, 1898-1979.Date: 1982- Books
The effect of epidemic diseases on the natives of North America : an annotated bibliography / by Pauline A. Keehn.
Keehn, Pauline A.Date: [1978?]