1,842 results filtered with: Bibliographies
- Books
Indian Buddhism : a survey with bibliographical notes / Hajime Nakamura.
Nakamura, Hajime, 1912-1999.Date: 1987- Books
List of publications of the Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation.
Date: 1927- Books
Kansas State University receipt book and household manual / compiled by G.A. Rudolph.
Rudolph, G. A.Date: 1968- Books
Comparative & veterinary medicine : a guide to the resource literature / compiled by Ann E. Kerker and Henry T. Murphy.
Kerker, Ann E.Date: [1973]- Books
International veterinary literature.
Date: 1963- Books
A bibliography of the leukaemias in Africa, 1904-1985 / Alan F. Fleming.
Fleming, A. F.Date: 1986- Books
Arabia in early maps : a bibliography of maps covering the peninsula of Arabia, printed in western Europe from the invention of printing to the year 1751 / G.R. Tibbetts.
Tibbetts, G. R. (Gerald Randall)Date: [1978], ©1978- Books
Isis cumulative bibliography 1913-1965 : a bibliography of the history of science formed from Isis critical bibliographies 1-90, 1913-65 / edited by Magda Whitrow. Chairman of editorial committee: I. Bernard Cohen.
Date: 1971-1984- Books
American local history journals of interest to the historian of pharmacy : a bibliography / Martha Jane K. Zachert.
Zachert, Martha Jane K., 1920-Date: 1961- Books
Information for all : a directory of resources available in minority ethnic community languages.
Date: 2005- Books
Phrenology in the British Isles : an annotated historical biobibliography and index / by Roger Cooter.
Cooter, Roger.Date: 1989- Books
Annotated bibliography of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans (L.), including references on the buffalo fly, H. exigua (de Meijere), and other species belonging to the genus Haematobia / [compiled by Clyde E. Morgan and Gustave D. Thomas].
Date: [1974]- Books
The catalogues of the oriental printed books and manuscripts.
British Museum. Department of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts.Date: 1959- Books
Fine bird books, 1700-1900 / by Sacheverell Sitwell, Handasyde Buchanan and James Fisher.
Sitwell, Sacheverell, 1897-1988.Date: 1990- Books
Theses in progress in Commonwealth studies : a list of research in UK universities, 2007 / compiled from the Register of Research in Commonwealth Studies at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies ; edited by Patricia M. Larby.
Date: 2007- Books
Bibliografía de bibliografías colombianas / Gabriel Giraldo Jaramillo.
Giraldo Jaramillo, Gabriel.Date: 1954- Books
The Constituents of tobacco smoke : an annotated bibliography / edited by H.R. Bentley & E.G.N. Berry.
Date: 1959]- Books
A bibliography on the history of Colonial and Revolutionary medicine and pharmacy / compiled by David L. Cowen.
Cowen, David L.Date: 1975- Books
Nursing, a historical bibliography / Bonnie Bullough, Vern L. Bullough, Barrett Elcano.
Bullough, Bonnie.Date: 1981- Books
Fortsetzung und Ergänzungen zu Christian Gottlieb Jöchers allgemeinem Gelehrten-Lexico : worin die Schriftsteller aller Stände nach ihren vornehmsten Lebensumständen und Schriften beschrieben werden / von Johann Christoph Adelung.
Jöcher, Christian Gottlieb, 1694-1758.Date: 1960-1961- Books
Literary annuals and gift books : a bibliography 1823-1903 / Frederick W. Faxon ; reprinted with supplementary essays by Eleanore Jamieson & Iain Bain.
Faxon, Frederick W. (Frederick Winthrop), 1866-1936.Date: 1973- Books
Capital histories : a bibliographical study of London / edited by Patricia L. Garside.
Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
Species of origin : a bibliographical exposition of the works of Charles Darwin at the University of Toronto / Richard Landon.
Landon, Richard.Date: 1971- Books
The catalogues of the manuscript collections / T.C. Skeat, keeper of manuscripts].
British Museum. Department of Manuscripts.Date: 1962- Books
Bibliotheca epidemiographica sive catalogus librorum de historia morborum epidemicorum tam generali quam speciali conscriptorum / collegit atque digessit Henricus Haeser.
Haeser, Heinrich, 1811-1884.Date: 1843