297 results filtered with: Children's books
- Books
Breathe like a bear : 30 mindful moments for kids to feel calm and focused anytime, anywhere / Kira Willey ; illustrated by Anni Betts.
Willey, KiraDate: [2017]- Books
Strong and mighty Max / written by Kristina Gray ; illustrated by Sarah-Leigh Wills.
Gray, KristinaDate: 2018- Books
Worried Arthur : the birthday party / written by Joan Stimson ; illustrated by Jan Lewis.
Stimson, JoanDate: 2012- Books
We're amazing 1, 2, 3! / by Leslie Kimmelman ; illustrated by Marybeth Nelson ; cover illustration by Tom Brannon.
Kimmelman, LeslieDate: [2017]- Books
A book of feelings : starring Sam, Kate and Fuzzy Bean / Amanda McCardie ; illustrated by Salvatore Rubbino.
McCardie, AmandaDate: 2015- Books
He's not naughty! : a children's guide to autism / Deborah Brownson ; illustrated by Ben Mason.
Brownson, Deborah, 1974-Date: 2019- Books
I have squirrels in my belly : a child's view of anxiety / Trish Hammond ; illustrations by Chuck McIntosh.
Hammond, TrishDate: 2017- Books
Voyage to Arghan / Joanna Grace ; illustrated by Helen Lanzrein.
Grace, JoannaDate: 2018- Books
Little Unicorn is sad / Aurélie Chien Chow Chine ; translation by Philippa Wingate.
Chien Chow Chine, AurélieDate: 2019- Books
What to do when you worry too much : a kid's guide to overcoming anxiety / by Dawn Huebner ; illustrated by Bonnie Matthews.
Huebner, DawnDate: 2006- Books
My feelings / illustrated by Sarah Jennings.
Date: 2016- Books
Kaya's heart song / Diwa Tharan Sanders & Nerina Canzi.
Sanders, Diwa TharanDate: 2018- Books
Matthew rides into space : a firsthand look into childhood absence epilepsy / written by Erika Rutley, illustrated by Basil Millevolte.
Rutley, Erika.Date: 2018- Books
A better world : rights and responsibilities and HIV/Aids / Deborah Ewing.
Ewing, Deborah (Editor)Date: 2004- Books
- Online
Where is my hula hoop? : a story of Little Rabbit's health habits / Booster Shot Media.
Booster Shot MediaDate: [2019]- Books
Where did AIDS come from? / Anna Forbes.
Forbes, AnnaDate: 1996- Books
Wilbur's book of feelings / Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul.
Thomas, ValérieDate: 2014- Books
How babies and families are made : (there is more than one way) / by Patricia Schaffer ; illustrated by Suzanne Corbett.
Schaffer, Patricia, 1950-Date: 1988- Books
Cat's got your tongue? : a story for children afraid to speak / by Charles E. Schaefer ; illustrated by Judith Friedman.
Schaefer, Charles E.Date: 1993- Books
Happy together : a sperm donation story / written by Julie Marie ; illustrated by Ashley Lucas.
Marie, JulieDate: 2019- Books
My autism book : a child's guide to their autism spectrum diagnosis / Glòria Durà-Vilà and Tamar Levi.
Durà-Vilà, GlòriaDate: 2014- Books
Little meadow mouse / Annemie Vandaele & Alexandra Kervyn.
Vandaele, AnnemieDate: [2015]- Books
Who do I see in the mirror? / written by Vese Aghoghovbia Aladewolu ; illustrated by Irene Omiunu.
Aghoghovbia Aladewolu, VeseDate: 2018- Books
My awesome autism / Nikki Saunders.
Saunders, NikkiDate: 2019- Books
Hospital scares me / Glynis Clacherty ; photographs by Suzy Bernstein.
Clacherty, Glynis, 1958-Date: 2004