312 results filtered with: Clippings
- Ephemera
Oversize ephemera. EPH+45.
- Ephemera
The Great Carminative : a most famous tincture for the wind-cholick, in what part soever lodg'd, for at oncetaking, and in five minutes time, it perfectly cures the severest gripings in the guts, and immediately expels the wind from the stomach, or bowels, (as it were) to a miracle.
Date: 1729- Ephemera
- Online
[Newspaper cutting about the "Death of the Austrian giant" "Winkelmayer" (Franz Winkelmeier) in Vienna from tuberculosis].
Date: [1887]- Ephemera
- Online
John Grimes : when 57 years old, was 3 feet 8 inches high ...
Date: [between 1840 and 1880?]- Ephemera
- Online
[Page from The Entr'acte for 22 January 1877 showing a cartoon of "A bit of Herr Winkelmeier, the giant at the London Pavilion"].
Date: 1887- Ephemera
U.S. 'Ambassador' for blind retiring : Helen Keller, who for more than 50 years has made her own blindness a beacon of hope for people less handicapped than she, has disclosed that she plans to retire soon as America's "ambassador" to the world's sightless.
Date: [1955]- Ephemera
- Online
Extraordinary natural curiosity : a living skeleton.
Date: [1825 and 1858]- Ephemera
My patients inform me, that many of the surgeons declare, that it is impossible to cure obstructions in the urinary passages without bougies ... / T. Collett.
Collett, T.Date: [1779?]- Ephemera
Edgar F. Cyriax ephemera. Box 5.
Date: [1909]- Ephemera
- Online
[Newspaper clipping showing the skeletons of Mademoiselle Crachani, a Sicilian dwarf and Patrick O'Brien, the Irish Giant on display at the Royal College of Surgeons].
Date: [Between 1880 and 1900?]- Ephemera
- Online
The giants wedding.
Date: [1871]- Ephemera
- Online
[Cutting from the Lancet for 6 August 1927 showing an "Ancient Roman statuette exemplifying a case of achondroplastic deformity"].
Date: 1927- Ephemera
Fashionable hair cutting, elegant assortments of ladies' head dresses, gentlemen's perukes, &c. 35, New Bond-Street / H. Ward.
Date: [1813]- Books
Old dentistry scrap book / A.F.
A. F.Date: [1915?]- Ephemera
- Online
Barnum's new freaks.
Date: 1898- Ephemera
Golding, perfumer to her majesty, in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, sells the following articles : a quid which instantly changes red or grey hairs, and has no pernicious quality in it, price 2s-6d and 5s per bottle / Golding.
Date: [between 1780 and 1800]- Ephemera
By the King's patent : His Majesty having been graciously pleased to grant his royal letters patents, bearing date at Westminster, the 17th day of October 1751, in the 25th year of his reign, unto Richard Rock, of the parish of St. Bridget, otherwise Bride's, London, licentiate in medicine, for his new compound medicine, or anti-venereal cathartick electuary, for the true cure of fresh venereal injuries ... at the same place may be had, Viper Drops ...
Date: [1751?]- Ephemera
Hair, when properly adapted to the features, is constantly acknowledged to be the greatest ornament of dress, as well as the least expensive ... : Mr. Low, of Southampton-Street, Covent-Garden ... / Mr. Low.
Date: [1769]- Ephemera
The Incomparable Chymical Drops for Asthma's and Consumptions : whose virtues vastly exceed any thing ever yet known in the cure of the worst of asthma's and consumptions of all sorts, coughs, colds, catarrhs, &c.
Date: 1728- Ephemera
- Online
An extraordinary freak of nature, or, a man encrusted with a barnacle or stone-like skin.
Date: [1834]- Ephemera
- Online
Spanish soldiers returning from the fighting line : the above picture shows wounded Spanish soldiers being conveyed to the hospital during the fighting now taking place at Melilla between the Spanish troops and the Moorish tribesmen.
Date: [1909?]- Ephemera
Imperial powder for the ladies : this powder is one of nature's singular productions, and is become so fashionable in the polite world, for its cooling, softening, and beautifying quality, which gives that pleasing addition to the complexion, so much desired by all / Charles Woodcock ; Mrs. Bowen ; Mr. Clemston.
Date: [1777]- Ephemera
- Online
The Chinese giant ... : The Jenner monument at Boulogne.
Date: [1873]- Ephemera
Oversize ephemera. EPH+47.
- Ephemera
- Online
[Newspaper clipping (from the Illustrated Times, 3 October 1868) about 'Dr. Nelaton and the Siamese Twins' Chang and Eng].
Date: 1868