1,325 results filtered with: Exhibition catalogues
- Books
A century of revolution : printmaking in France, 1800-1900.
Hunterian Art Gallery (University of Glasgow)Date: [1989?]- Books
Leonardo da Vinci : anatomist / Martin Clayton and Ron Philo.
Clayton, Martin, 1967-Date: 2012- Ephemera
Young and beautiful : advertising & packaging beauty products 1890-1990 : a small exhibition in the display cases at the far end of the Modern Medicine reading room in the library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine : 1 June - 25 September / Stephen Lowther.
Lowther, Stephen, 1955-Date: [1999]- Books
Demon of painting : the art of Kawanabe Kyōsai / Timothy Clark ; [foreword by Lawrence Smith].
Clark, Timothy.Date: [1993], ©1993- Books
Wonde(r) : de fascinatie voor het lijdende lichaam = the fascination with the suffering body / Tine Van Osselaer, Leonardo Rossi, Kristof Smeyers, Merlijn Gabel.
Van Osselaer, TineDate: 2019- Books
Hortus botanicus, the botanic garden & the book : fifty books from the Sterling Morton Library exhibited at the Newberry Library for the fiftieth anniversary of the Morton Arboretum / compiled by Ian MacPhail ; introductory essay by Joseph Ewan.
MacPhail, Ian, 1923-2014.Date: [1972]- Books
L'assistenza pubblica nella Siena di fine '800 / a cura di Francesca Vannozzi.
Date: 1991- Books
It's like this ... : 500 years of pictures for science / [exhibition held at] Nottingham Castle, June 15th to September 15th, 1971.
Nottingham Castle Museum.Date: [1974], ©1974- Books
Medicine and the artist : 137 great prints, selected with commentary / by Carl Zigrosser.
Date: [1970]- Books
Exhibition of Ayurvedic and indigenous medicine, 1977. 02.11 - 1977. 02.19.
Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute.Date: [1977]- Ephemera
The shadow of the stork : birth control in the 20th century [grey] : 29th September to 23rd December 1997 : a small exhibition in the display cases at the far end of the Modern Medicine reading room in the library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine / [Stephen Lowther].
Lowther, Stephen, 1955-Date: 1997- Books
Kinderhaus 1648 : das Leprosenhaus der Stadt Münster im Krieg und Frieden Ausstellung im Lepramuseum Münster-Kinderhaus zum Jubiläum 350 Jahre Westfälischer Frieden 25. Januar bis 28. Juni 1998 / herausegegeben von der Gesellschaft für Leprakunde e.V. ; Idee, Konzeption und Gestaltung Ralf Klötzer.
Klötzer, Ralf.Date: 1998- Books
1776 : the British story of the American Revolution [catalogue of an exhibition] sponsored by The Times, The Sunday Times and Barclays Bank [held at the] National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London, 14th April to 2nd October 1976 / [by Kenneth Pearson and Patricia Connor].
Pearson, Kenneth, 1920-Date: 1976- Books
Schritt für Schritt : die Geburt des modernen Schuhs : 26. Juli bis 14. Oktober 2012, Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum Ingolstadt / Nike U. Breyer.
Breyer, Nike U.Date: 2012- Books
De snijkunst verbeeld : Delftse anatomische lessen nader belicht : beschrijving van de vier Delftse anatomische lessen en een overzicht van de gezondheidszorg in Delft en haar beoefenaren in de zeventiende en achttiende eeuw / redactie: Hans Houtzager, Michiel Jonker ; tekstbijdragen, Hans Houtzager [and three others].
Date: [2002]- Books
The medieval book : illustrated from the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library / Barbara A. Shailor.
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.Date: [1991], ©1991- Books
8 eeuwen gentse ziekenhuizen.
Date: 1993- Books
Psychiatrie zur Zeit Hölderlins : Ausstellung anläl̊ich der 63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, der Naturwissenschaften und Technik in Tübingen Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, Bonatzbau, 27. September bis 30. Oktober 1980 / bearbeitet von Gerhard Fichtner.
Date: 1980- Books
Early medical books : Monash rare book collection, 26 March - 24 April 1997 1st Floor ISB, Main Library / [compiled by Richard Overell].
Australian Medical Association. Victorian Branch.Date: [1997?]- Books
Stuffing birds, pressing plants, shaping knowledge : natural history in North America, 1730-1860 / Sue Ann Prince, editor.
Date: 2003- Books
Die Seele ist ein Oktopus : antike Vorstellungen vom belebten Körper / herausgegeben von Uta Kornmeier ; mit Beiträgen von Sean Coughlin [and 7 others] ; und Illustrationen von Christoph Geiger.
Date: 2017- Books
Printing and the mind of man : [Catalogue of a display of printing mechanisms and printed materials arranged to illustrate the history of Western civilization and the means of multiplication of literary texts since the XV century, organized in connexion with the Eleventh International Printing Machinery and Allied Trades Exhibition] assembled at the British Museum and at Earls Court, London, 16-27 July 1963.
British Museum.Date: [1963]- Books
- Online
Relics of the mind / Katharine Dowson.
Dowson, Katharine.Date: 2010- Books
Boucher & Chardin : masters of modern manners / edited by Anne Dulau ; with contributions by Christoph Martin Vogtherr [and] Ann Eatwell.
Date: 2008- Books
Alambicchi di parole : il Ricettario fiorentino e dintorni : Firenze, Biblioteca Riccardiana, 18 ottobre 1999-15 gennaio 2000 / a cura di Giovanna Lazzi, Mino Gabriele.
Date: 1999