1,092 results filtered with: Festschriften
- Books
National celebration of the centenary of the birth of Louis Pasteur : Philadelphia, Pa., December 27, 1922.
General Committee of the National Pasteur Centenary Celebration.Date: 1923]- Books
Vistas in physical reality : a festschrift for Henry Margenau / edited by Ervin Laszlo and Emily B. Sellon.
Date: [1976], ©1976- Books
Memoria científica para la inauguración de la estatua de Alejandro de Humboldt : obsequiada por S.M. el emperador alemán Guillermo II á la nación mexicana con motivo del primer centenario de su independencia, México, 13 de septiembre 1910 / por Ernst Wittich [and others].
Date: 1910- Books
Prof. Dr. med. A. Arnold zur Vollendung des 65. Lebensjahres / H. Grimm.
Grimm, H. (Hans)Date: [1962]- Books
Die Gesellschaft für Natur-und Heilkunde in Berlin, 1810-2000 : Festschrift zur Feier ihres 190 Geburtstages am 6 Februar 2000.
Gesellschaft für Natur- und Heilkunde in Berlin.Date: [2000?]- Books
Commémoration du 500me anniversaire de la naissance de Nicolas Copernic (1473-1543), organisée le 4 avril 1973 = Herdenking van de 500e verjaardag van de geboorte van Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), ingericht op 4 april 1973.
Date: [1974], ©1974- Books
Culture, science et développement : contribution à une histoire de l'homme mélanges en l'honneur de Charles Morazé / [collaborateurs, R. Aron [and others]].
Date: [1979], ©1979- Books
A traditional quest : essays in honour of Louis Jacobs / edited by Dan Cohn-Sherbok.
Date: [1991], ©1991- Books
Beauperthuy / Rosario Beauperthuy de Benedetti.
Beauperthuy de Benedetti, Rosario, -1993.Date: [1971]- Books
Das Basler Arztrelief : Studien zum griechischen Grabund Votivrelief um 500 v. Chr. und zur vorhippokratischen Medizin / (Robert Käppeli, dem ersten Präsidenten des Basler Antikenmuseums, zum 70. Geburtstag am 21. Juli 1970.).
Berger, Ernst, 1928-2006.Date: (1970)- Books
Homenaje al profesor Guillermo Folch Jou : comunicaciones presentadas a la reunión de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Farmacia, celebrada en Madrid los días 4 y 5 de noviembre de 1982, con motivo de concesión de la medalla Schelenz al doctor Guillermo Folch Jou.
Sociedad Española de Historia de la Farmacia. Reunión (1982 : Madrid, Spain)Date: [1982?]- Books
Polyhistor : studies in the history and historiography of ancient philosophy presented to Jaap Mansfeld on his sixtieth birthday / edited by Keimpe A. Algra, Pieter W. van der Horst, David T. Runia.
Date: 1996- Books
Papers on medicine and the history of medicine : dedicated to Erik Warburg, professor of internal medicine in the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, on his sixtieth anniversary, February 3, 1952 / editorial board: Torben Andersen [and others].
Date: 1952- Books
A practice of orthopædic surgery / by T.P. McMurray.
McMurray, Thomas Porter, 1887-1949.Date: 1943- Books
Sraddhānjali, studies in ancient Indian history : D.C. Sircar commemoration volume / editors, K.K. Das Gupta, P.K. Bhattacharyya, R.D. Choudhury.
Date: 1988- Books
Design and achievements in chemotherapy / a symposium in honor of George H. Hitchings at Research Triangle Park, N. C., October 31, 1975.
Date: 1976]- Books
Voprosy obshcheĭ zoologii i medi︠t︡sinskoĭ parazitologii / pod redak︠t︡sieĭ P.G. Sergieva [and others].
Date: 1962- Books
Humanisme actif : melanges d'art et litterature offerts a Julien Cain / preface par Etienne Dennery ; lithographie de Chagall ; Eau-forte d'Andre Dunoyer de Segonzac.
Date: 1968- Books
Medicamento, historia y sociedad : estudios en memoria del profesor D. Rafael Folch Andreu / coordinadores de la edición: Guillermo Folch Jou y F. Javier Puerto Sarmiento.
Date: 1982- Books
Schriftenverzeichnis Gunter Mann : aus Anlass seines 60. Geburtstages am 12. August 1984 / zusammengestellt von den Mitgliedern des Medizinhistorischen Instituts Mainz.
Date: [1984], ©1984- Books
Cultural aspects of the Italian Renaissance : essays in honour of Paul Oskar Kristeller / edited by Cecil H. Clough.
Date: [1976], ©1976- Books
Karl Eduard Rothschuh : Bibliographie 1935-1983 / herausgegeben von Richard Toellner.
Date: 1983- Books
Udviklingslinier i Dansk psykologi fra Alfred Lehmann til i dag : udgivet i anledning af Psykologisk laboratoriums 100 års jubilæum / redigeret af Ib Kristian Moustgaard & Arne Friemuth Petersen.
Date: 1986- Books
Vor kirurgiske arv : kirurgien i Danmark i det 19 arhundrede / [Erling Dahl-Iversen].
Dahl-Iversen, Erling, 1892-Date: 1960- Books
American medicine comes of age, 1840-1920 : essays to commemorate the founding of the Journal of the American Medical Association, July 14, 1883 / Lester S. King.
King, Lester S. (Lester Snow), 1908-2002.Date: [1984], ©1984