62 results filtered with: Magazine inserts
- Ephemera
Sunlight soap : the mother: "Good old Sunlight done dis job" : The boy: "Wish it would do mine" / Lever Brothers Ltd.
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [between 1920 and 1929?]- Ephemera
Pear's : the pure soap.
Pears (A. & F.) Limited.Date: [between 1930 and 1939?]- Ephemera
Pears' soap : "matchless for the complexion." / Pears.
Date: [1887?]- Books
- Online
The Strand Magazine : an illustrated monthly. Vol. 1, no. 3, March 1891 / edited by George Newnes.
Date: 1891- Books
- Online
The journal of psychological medicine and mental pathology : editor and proprietor, Forbes Winslow, M.D., F.R.C. Phys. Ed.
Date: [1851]- Ephemera
Cope's (Firm)Date: [1890?]- Ephemera
Pears' soap : a speciality for the complexion : a speciality for infants / Pears.
Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]- Ephemera
- Online
Fry's homoeopathic cocoa : manufactured by J.S. Fry & Sons, Bristol, and 252 City Road, London, chocolate and cocoa manufacturers by appointment to the Queen and Prince of Wales / Joseph Storrs Fry & Sons.
Date: [1865]- Ephemera
- Online
Electricity in failing health : men and women of all ages, and in all stations of life should stop taking poisonous medicines & drugs & simply wear Dr. Carter Moffat's cool feather-weight electric body belt ... / Dr. Carter Moffat.
Moffat, Carter.Date: [1892?]- Ephemera
Lux wont shrink woollens : "This wool shrinking has got to be stopped" / Lever Brothers Ltd.
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [1905?]- Ephemera
Lux : won't shrink wool / Lever Brothers Limited.
Lever Brothers Ltd.Date: [between 1900 and 1909?]- Ephemera
Wright's coal-tar soap : (sapo carbonis detergens) : antiseptic, detergent, disinfectant ... / W.V. Wright & Co.
W.V. Wright & Co.Date: [1880?]- Ephemera
Pears' soap : I have found it matchless for the complexion : since using Pears' soap I have discarded all others: for preserving the complexion, keeping the skin soft ... / Pears.
Date: [between 1890 and 1895]- Ephemera
Pears' soap : the greatest English complexion soap used by all the world ... a speciality for children / Pears.
Date: [1887?]- Ephemera
- Online
Bovril : "Wherever did I put that Bovril!" : beef tea isn't Bovril / Bovril Limited.
Bovril Limited.Date: [1900?],- Ephemera
Great Britain take the stage / Adidas.
Date: [2012]- Digital Images
- Online
Advert for Hall's Coca Wine: The Elixir of Life, an early product that used cocaine as an ingredient.
- Ephemera
- Online
Oxo : the most health-giving drink in the world : build up your strength with Oxo / Liebig Company.
Liebig's Extract of Meat Company.Date: [between 1900 and 1909]- Ephemera
Goodwin's toilet soap : sold everywhere / Butler & Crispe.
Butler & CrispeDate: 1926- Ephemera
Most extraordinary discovery : Pulvermacher's patent portable hydro-electric voltaic chain / Charles Meinig.
Meinig, Charles.Date: [1852?]- Ephemera
Good morning! : have you used Pears' soap?
Pears (A. & F.) Limited.Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]- Ephemera
You dirty boy! : this little fellow hadn't washed, he wishes now he had! ... Pears' soap / Pears.
Date: [between 1910 and 1919]- Ephemera
Pears' soap : in use over 100 years : matchless for the complexion.
Pears (A. & F.) Limited.Date: [1900]- Ephemera
Use Calvert's carbolic fluid, powder & soaps : the most effective disinfectants / F.C. Calvert & Co.
F.C. Calvert & Co.Date: [between 1880 and 1889?]- Ephemera
Pears' soap : [butterfly].
Pears (A. & F.) Limited.Date: [between 1890 and 1899?]