102 results filtered with: Medical formularies
- Books
Zhongguo gu dai fang shis yang sheng ji yao / Song Shugong.
Date: 1991- Books
Every man his own physician : being, a complete collection of efficacious and approved remedies, for every disease incident to the human body ... / by John Theobald.
Theobald, John, -1760.Date: 1764- Books
Pharmacopœia officinalis et extemporanea: or, a complete English dispensatory, in four parts : to which is added, An account of the common adulterations both of simples and compounds, with some marks to detect them / by John Quincy.
Quincy, John, -1722.Date: 1736- Books
The second part of the Secretes of Maister Alexis of Piemont / by hym collected out of diuers excellent aucthours, and newly translated out of French into English ... By Willyam Ward.
Ruscelli, Girolamo, -approximately 1565.Date: 1563- Books
Chieh tu p'ien / [by] Wang Chi.
Wang, Chi, 1791-1801.Date: 1988- Books
Pharmacopœia of the Seamen's Hospital Society ("Dreadnought").
Seamen's Hospital Society (London, England)Date: 1910- Books
- Online
The druggist's general receipt book ... / by Henry Beasley.
Beasley, Henry.Date: 1852- Books
Die Rezeptbücher des Peter Friedrich Harsdorf (1766-1839) : bäuerliche Medizin im Norderdithmarschen an der Wende vom 18. zum 19. Jahrhundert / [herausgegeben von] Hans Karl Wrede].
Harsdorf, Peter Friedrich, 1766-1839.Date: 1982- Books
- Online
The domestic medical guide : in two parts. Part I, The family dispensatory ; or a complete companion to the family medicine chest, &c. Part II. The modern domestic medicine ... / by Richard Reece.
Reece, Richard, 1775-1831.Date: 1805- Books
Klassische chinesische Rezeptur / von Manfred Porkert.
Porkert, Manfred.Date: [1984], ©1984- Books
The Edinburgh new dispensatory : containing, I. The elements of pharmaceutical chemistry - II. The materia medica; or, An account of the different substances employed in medicine - III. The pharmaceutical preparations and medicinal compositions of the latest editions of the London and Edinburgh pharmacopoeias - with the additions of the most approved formulae, from the best foreign pharmacopoeias - the whole interspersed with practical cautions and observations . . . / being an improvement of the new dispensatory by Dr. Lewis.
Lewis, William, 1708-1781.Date: 1796- Books
- Online
Pharmacopœia of the Seamen's Hospital Society ("Dreadnought").
Seamen's Hospital Society (London, England)Date: 1910- Books
- Online
The secrets of Alexis [pseud.]: containing many excellent remedies against divers diseases, wounds, and other accidents. With the manner to make distillations, parfumes ... and meltings ... / [Girolamo Ruscelli].
Ruscelli, Girolamo, -approximately 1565.Date: 1615- Books
Shi Jinmo dui yao lin chuang jing yan ji / Lü Jingshan bian.
Shi, Jinmo.Date: 1982- Books
- Online
Pharmacopoeia extemporanea, or, a body of medicines, containing a thousand select prescripts. Answering most intentions of cure. To which are added, useful scholia, a catalogue of remedies, and copious index, for the assistance of young physicians / Done into English out of Latin by the author ... with large additions.
Fuller, Thomas, 1654-1734.Date: 1714- Books
Nad sna tshogs źi ba̕i sṅags bdud rtsi̕i char rgyun : collected mantras for use in treating various diseases and afflictions / by ̕Jam-mgon ̕Ju Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho.
Mi-pham-rgya-mtsho, ʼJam-mgon ʼJu, 1846-1912.Date: 1985- Books
- Online
Formulæ of medicines specially prepared for medical practice by H. & T. Kirby & Co.
H. & T. Kirby & Co.Date: [between 1890 and 1899]- Books
Bastiement de receptes, nouuellement traduict de Italien en langue Francoyse, contenant troys petites parties de receptaires. : La premiere, traicte de diuerses vert[us] & proprietez des choses. La seco[n]de est de diuerses sortes dodeurs & compositions dicelles, La tierce comprend aulcuns secretz medicinaulx propres: a conseruer la sante, Oultre la precedente impression on este adioustez aulcu[n]s secretz pour les maladies des fe[m]mes, tant en trauail denfant que aultrement.
Date: Imprime nouuellement en lan 1552- Books
Nembt Kranwetöhll und Regenwürmb : Hausarzneibuch der Susanna von Tobar, Gutsherrin auf Enzesfeld, 1565.
Tobar, Susanna von, active 16th century.Date: 1984- Books
Indian pharmacopoeia, 2010.
Date: [2010], ©2010- Books
Technologische und Farbrezepte des Kasseler Codex medicus 4*010 : Unters. zur Berufssoziologie d. mittelalterl. Laienarztes / Gerd Bosshammer.
Bosshammer, Gerd, 1947-Date: [1977]- Books
Die Morgenröte : fünf herrliche und geheimnisvolle Receptbürger [i.e. Receptbücher] [zum leiblichen Wohl der Menschheit] / Joh. Baptista v. Helmont.
Helmont, Jean Baptiste van, 1577-1644.Date: 1978- Books
Opera nuova intitolata Dificio de ricette, nella quale si contengono tre utilissimi Ricettari. Nel primo si tratta di molte et diverse virtu. Nel secondo se insegna a comporre varie sorti de soavi et utili odori. Nel terzo ... si tratta di alcuni rimedi secreti medicinali.
Date: 1529- Books
- Online
Ricetta del D. Monteallegri : spirito canforato.
Monteallegri, Dr.Date: [1800?]- Books
Diui Mesue et noua quedam vltra ea que secum associari co[n]sueueru[n]t opera : preclarissima vt inferius speculanti sub manus indicio demo[n]stratur.
Pseudo-Mesuë.Date: Anno 1538 mense Januario