85 results filtered with: Prospectuses
- Books
- Online
Cooper & Stern Limited : capital £12,000 : issue of 3,000 six per cent. "A" cumulative preference shares of £1 each : prospectus.
Date: 1899- Books
Prospectus / Chelsea School of Pharmacy.
Chelsea Polytechnic. Chelsea School of Pharmacy.Date: [1945]- Books
Handbook for the sessions 1962-1963 / The Medical College of St. Bartholomew's Hospital in the city of London.
St. Bartholomew's Hospital (London, England). Medical College.Date: [1962?]- Books
The University of Otago Medical School : Dunedin, New Zealand.
University of Otago. Faculty of Medicine.Date: [1959?]- Ephemera
High Shot House, St. Margarets, Twickenham, Middlesex ... / resident medical superintendent: Thelwell Pike.
Pike, Thelwell.Date: [1900?]- Books
A grand empire fancy dress ball and supper in aid of the Middlesex Hospital... will be held at the Savoy Hotel, on Thursday, May 23rd, 1912 (Empire eve).
Date: 1912- Books
Burrow Hill Sanatorium Colony, Frimley, Surrey / National Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis.
Date: [1930?]- Books
Innen-Hygiene : der neue Weg zur Gesundheit und Körperveredlung / [Gymnacolon-Darmbad-Institut, München].
Gymnacolon-Darmbad Institut (Munich, Germany)Date: [1930?]- Books
Instituut voor Physische Therapie van de Vereeniging voor Physische Therapie te Amsterdam.
Instituut voor Physische Therapie (Amsterdam, Netherlands)Date: [1903]- Books
Summer graduate medical course : July 9 to August 17, 1917 / Stanford University Medical School.
Stanford University. School of Medicine.Date: 1917- Books
Droitwich Spa and the treatment of rheumatism.
Date: [1935]- Books
- Online
The journal of psychological medicine and mental pathology : editor and proprietor, Forbes Winslow, M.D., F.R.C. Phys. Ed.
Date: [1851]- Books
Revitalise : respite holidays for disabled people and carers : 2016 breaks / Revitalise.
Revitalise (Firm)Date: 2016- Books
Revitalise : it's always sunny at Revilatise : Summer activities brochure 2016 / Revitalise.
Revitalise (Firm)Date: 2016- Books
Göteborgs Gymnastika Institut för utbildning af manliga och kvinliga sjukgymnaster.
Göteborgs Gymnastika Institut.Date: 1912- Books
Alfred Eichholz Clinic & Institute of Massage and Physiotherapy, 204 and 206 Great Portland Street, London, W1 : treatments : massage, swedish remedial exercises, diathermy, faradism, galvanism, high frequency, infra red long and short rays, radiant heat, sinusoidal current, ultra violet rays, brine baths, foam baths, pine baths, schnee baths, shower baths, sulphur baths, wax baths : all treatments carried out by chartered masseurs and masseuses : hours: 10-6 p.m. : telephone: Museum 5211.
Alfred Eichholz Clinic & Institute of Massage and Physiotherapy.Date: [1934?]- Books
Prospectus / British School of Osteopathy.
British School of Osteopathy.Date: [1936?]- Ephemera
- Online
H.I.V./AIDS education at the Institute of Education, University of London.
Date: 1989- Books
- Online
Établissement physiatrique (d'hygiène thérapeutique) du Docteur Eijkman, "Natura Sanat", Parkweg 16, Van Stolkpark, Schéveningue (Hollande).
Eijkman, Pieter Hendrik, 1862-1914.Date: [1900?]- Books
Useful information concerning the origin, nature, and purpose of the Radcliffe Lunatic Asylum, on Headington Hill, near Oxford, and the pecuniary benefits which it is able to confer upon the friends and relatives of lunatics from respectable and educated life, should their circumstances be such as to require pecuniary aid.
Date: 1840 [reprinted 1976]- Books
The Ranyard Nurses (founded 1868) : nursing branch of the Ranyard Mission.
Ranyard Mission (London). Ranyard NursesDate: [between 1950 and 1955?]- Books
- Online
On the 1st day of February, 1799, will be published, price two shillings, ... to be continued monthly, number I. of ... The British medical journal, containing the earliest information on subjects of medicine, surgery, chemistry, pharmacy, botany, and natural history. ... Prospectus.
Date: [1798]- Books
Revitalise : respite holidays for disabled people and carers : Spring 2015 at Jubilee Lodge / Revitalise.
Revitalise (Firm)Date: 2015- Books
The New York Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital : the pioneer post-graduate medical institution in America, 1946-1947.
Date: 1946- Journals
- Online
Prospectus / St. Mary's Hospital Medical School.
St. Mary's Hospital Medical School (London, England)