2,468 results filtered with: Arabic
- Books
al-ṭibb al-shaʻbī fī lībiyā : ṣūrah lil-ṭibb wa-al-aṭibbāʼ fī al-niṣf al-thānī min al-qarn al-tāsiʻ ʻashar / ʻAbd al-Ḥakīm Ḥikmat tarjamah wa-taḥqīq ʻAbd al-Karīm Abū Shuwayrib.
ʻAbd al-Ḥakīm Ḥikmat.Date: 1989- Books
al-Ṭibb al-Nabawī / taʼlīf Abī ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Dhahabī ; taḥqīq wa-sharḥ wa-taʻlīq Aḥmad Rifʻat al-Badrāwī.
Dhahabī, Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad, 1274-1348.Date: 1986- Manuscripts
- Online
MS Arabic 756.
- Books
Nukat fī aḥwāl al-Shaykh al-Raʼīs Ibn Sīnā / li-Yaḥyá ibn Aḥmad al-Kāshī ; taḥqīq Aḥmad Fuʼād al-Ahwānī.
Kāshī, Yaḥyá ibn Aḥmad.Date: 1952- Books
The second International Islamic Medicine Conference : 4 - 8 Jumada II 1402 = 29th March - 2nd April, held by the Ministry of Health, Kuwait.
International Conference on Islamic Medicine 1982 : Kuwait)Date: [1402 i.e. 1982]- Books
Galen : psychological writings / edited by P.N. Singer ; translated with introductions and notes by Vivian Nutton, Daniel Davies and P.N. Singer ; with the collaboration of Piero Tassinari.
GalenDate: 2013- Books
The encyclopaedia of Islam. Index to volumes I-VI and to the supplement, fascicules 1-6 / compiled and edited by E. van Donzel = Encyclopédie de l'Islam. Index des tomes I-VI et du supplément, livraisons 1-6 / établi et publié E. van Donzel.
Date: 1991- Journals
The Journal of the Royal Egyptian Medical Association.
Date: 1941-1953- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
Prayers and invocations
Anonymous- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
Collection of talismanic tables, Qurʾānic verses and invocations
Anonymous- Books
A treatise on the Canon of medicine of Avicenna : incorporating a translation of the first book / by O. Cameron Gruner.
Avicenna, 980-1037.Date: 1930- Books
al-Mawrid : qāmūs Inklīzī-ʻArabī = a modern English-Arabic dictionary / taʼlīf Munīr Baʻalbakkī.
Baʻlabakkī, Munīr.Date: 1973- Pictures
- Online
Seyyid Mustafa Ben-Yusef (Sayyid Mustafa Ben-Yusuf). Photograph by Hills & Saunders.
Date: [approximately 1870?]Reference: 14046i- Books
Mediaeval Arabic bookmaking and its relation to early chemistry and pharmacology / Martin Levey.
Muʻizz ibn Bādīs, Prince of Africa, 1007 or 1008-1062.Date: 1962- Books
- Online
The biographical dictionary of illustrious men : chiefly at the beginning of Islamism; now first ed. from the collation of two mss. at Göttingen and Leiden / by Ferdinand Wüstenfeld.
Nawawī, 1233-1277.Date: 1842-1847- Journals
Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association.
Date: 1928-- Books
Seeing the face, seeing the soul : Polemon's Physiognomy from classical antiquity to medieval Islam / edited by Simon Swain ; with contributions by George Boys-Stones [and others].
Date: 2007- Books
L'epistola degli I hwān al-Ṣafāʼ 'Sulle opinioni e le religioni' / Carmela Baffioni.
Baffioni, Carmela.Date: 1989- Books
Phenomena of nature and the Quran / [Abdul Wadud].
Wadud, Abdul.Date: [1971]- Books
Traité le calcul dans les reins et dans la vessie / par Abū Bekr Muhammed ibn Zakarīyā al-Rāzī ; traduction accompagnée du texte par P. de Konig.
Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā, 865?-925?Date: 1996- Books
Alcoatí Libre de la figura del uyl / Text català traduït de l'àrab per Mestre Joan Jacme ... ara exhumat i presentat per Lluis Deztany ; amb una notícia històrica-medical del Josep M.Simon de Guilleuma.
Date: 1996- Books
The epistle on the possibility of conjunction with the active intellect / by Ibn Rushd ; with the commentary of Moses Narboni ; a critical edition and annotated translation by Kalman P. Bland.
Averroës, 1126-1198.Date: 1982- Books
La perle précieuse : traitant des sciences ecclésiastiques (chapitres I-LVI) / par Jean, fils d'Abou-Zakariyâ, surnommé Ibn Sabâ ; texte arabe publié et traduit par Jean Périer.
Ibn Sabbāʻ, Yūḥannā ibn Abī Zakarīyā, active 13th century.Date: 1922- Books
Die Abhandlung über die Ausmessung des Paraboloides von el-Ḥasan b. el-Ḥasan b. el-Haitham / übersetzt und mit Kommentar versehen von Heinrich Suter.
Suter, H. (Heinrich), 1848-1922.Date: 1998- Books
Ältester geschichtlicher Beleg für die afrikanische Schlafkrankheit / Carl Heinrich Becker.
Becker, Carl Heinrich, 1876-1933.Date: 1997