872 results filtered with: Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
- Books
La cause morale du ris de l'excellant & tres-nommé Democrite / expliquee & temognee par le divin Hippocras, an ses Epitres. Traduite de Grec an Fransais, par M. I. Guichard.
Hippocrates.Date: 1579- Books
- Online
The treatises of Aristotle on the soul, etc / Translated from the Greek with copious elucidations from the commentaries of Simplicius on the first of these treatises. By Thomas Taylor.
Aristotle.Date: 1808- Books
The miracles of St. Artemios : a collection of miracle stories by an anonymous author of seventh century Byzantium / by Virgil S. Crisafulli and John W. Nesbitt ; translated by Virgil S. Crisafulli, with an introduction by John W. Nesbitt and commentary by Virgil S. Crisafulli and John W. Nesbitt ; supplemented by a reprinted Greek text and an essay by John F. Haldon.
Date: 1997- Books
- Online
Traité de géographie ... / traduit ... du grec en français ... Par M. l'abbé Halma.
Ptolemy, active 2nd centuryDate: 1828- Books
De odoribus / Theophrast ; Edition, Übersetzung, Kommentar von Ulrich Eigler, Georg Wöhrle ; mit einem botanischen Anhang von Bernhard Herzhoff.
Theophrastus.Date: 1993- Books
Exercitatio academica, de reliquiis sacramenti in matrimonialibus ubi ostenditur, recte quidem reiectum esse a nostris, theologis pariter & ictis, illud pontificiorum dogma, quo matrimonium dicitur sacramentum ... / Dirigente Io. Samuele Strykio ... ; in forma dissertationis a Io. Philippem Odelem ... habita ; cui nunc accessit index rerum et materiorum uberrimus.
Odelem, Johann Philipp.Date: 1706- Books
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Ex antiquitate Ebraea de thymiaterio sanctissimi occasione Ebr. IX. 4 ... / disputabit praeses J.J. Sonneschmid ... respondente J.P. Ram.
Ram, Johann Paul, 1701-1741.Date: 1723- Books
Magika hiera : ancient Greek magic and religion / edited by Christopher A. Faraone and Dirk Obbink.
Date: 1991- Books
- Online
Prokopiu Kaisareōs Tōn kat auton Historiōn biblia oktō = Procopii caesariensis Historiarum sui temporis libri VIII.
Procopius.Date: 1662- Books
De compositione pharmacorum localium libri decem / Iano Cornario medico interprete. Nunc ad fidem variorum exemplarium perspecti & eorum recentissima collatione ab innumeris mendis emendati.
Galen.Date: 1549- Books
Aristotle's Metaphysics. Books [mu] and [nu] / translated withintroduction and notes by Julia Annas.
Aristotle.Date: 1976- Pictures
Sculpture on the Tower of the Winds, Athens: the north west wind. Engraving by J. Basire the elder, 1762.
Stuart, James, 1713-1788.Date: 1762Reference: 2189090i- Pictures
Sculpture on the Tower of the Winds, Athens: the south west wind. Engraving by J. Basire the elder, 1762.
Stuart, James, 1713-1788.Date: 1762Reference: 2189092i- Pictures
- Online
The Pythia of Delphi (Delphic oracle), in her temple, giving prophecies to people. Etching by M. Dasio, 1901.
Dasio, Maximilian, 1865-1954.Date: [1901]Reference: 562372i- Books
The Greek manuscripts of Galeni : De tremore, palpitatione, convulsione et rigore liber, with a critical edition of chapters 1-5 / Myrodes Konstantinides.
Konstantinides, Myrodes.Date: 1977- Books
- Online
Ōrigenēs Kata Kelsou : en tomois 8 ; tou autou Philokalia : Origenis Contra Celsum : libri octo ; ejusdem Philocalia / Gulielmus Spencerus ... utriusque operis versionem recognovit & annotationes adjecit ; cum indice rerum & verborum locupletissimo.
OrigenDate: 1658- Books
Die Schule des Aristoteles : Texte und Kommentare / herausgegeben von Fritz Wehrli.
Wehrli, Fritz, 1902-1987.Date: [1967-1969]- Books
- Online
Zosimi Panopolitani De zythorum confectione fragmentum nunc primum graece ac latine editum : accedit historia zythorum sive cerevisiarum quarum apud veteres mentio fit / scripsit D. Christianus Gottfridus Gruner.
Date: 1814- Books
The oath of Asaph the physician and Yoḥanan ben Zabda : its relation to the Hippocratic Oath and the Doctrina Duarum Viarum of the Didachē / by Shlomo Pines.
Pines, Shlomo, 1908-1990.Date: 1975- Books
Jamblichus Chalcidensis ex Coele-Syria In Nicomachi Geraseni Arithmeticam introductionem, et De fato / Nunc primum editus, in Latinum sermonem conversus, notis perpetuis illustratus à Samuele Tennulio, accedit Joachimi Camerarii Explicatio in duos libros Nicomachi. Cum indice rerum & verborum locupletissimo.
Iamblichus, approximately 250-approximately 330.Date: 1668- Books
- Online
Hippocratis Aphorismi ... Aphorismes d'Hippocrate, traduits sur le texte grec d'aprés la collation des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Impériale; avec une dissertation sur ces manuscrits et les variantes / Par M. de Mercy. [With Greek text, and Latin translation by T.J. van Almeloveen].
Hippocrates.Date: 1811- Books
Fragments of the books of Kings according to the translation of Aquila : from a ms. formerly in the Geniza at Cairo, now in the possession of C. Taylor ... and S. Schechter ... / edited for the Syndics of the University Press by F. Crawford Burkitt, M.A. ; with a preface by C. Taylor, D.D.
Date: 1897- Books
Collection des anciens alchimistes grecs / publiée sous les auspices du Ministère de l'instruction publique par M. Berthelot ; avec la collaboration de Ch.-Em. Ruelle.
Berthelot, M. (Marcellin), 1827-1907.Date: 1888- Books
On affections / Hippocrates ; edited, translated and with a commentary by Pilar Pérez Cañizares = De affectionibus / Hippocratis ; edidit, in linguam anglicam vertit, commentata est Pilar Pérez Cañizares.
HippocratesDate: 2024- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
On procurable remedies, excerpt
Pseudo Galen