602 results filtered with: Greek, Modern (1453- )
- Pictures
Top, three bandaged heads; centre, a naked surgeon sets the arm of a naked patient both flanked by bandaged women; bottom, bandaged bodies and limbs. Engraving.
Reference: 21269i- Books
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Nikandrou Theriaka... Nicandri Theriaca. Ejusdem Alexipharmaca. Interpretatio innominati autoris in Theriaca. Commentarii diversorum autorum in Alexipharmaca.
Nicander, of Colophon.Date: 1530- Books
Diocles on burning mirrors : the Arabic translation of the lost Greek original / edited, with English translation and commentary by G.J. Toomer.
Diocles (Mathematician)Date: 1976- Books
The proem of Empedocles' Peri Physios : towards a new edition of all the fragments thirty-one fragments / edited by N. van der Ben.
Empedocles.Date: 1975- Books
Recherches sur les plantes / Théophraste ; texte établi et traduit par Suzanne Amigues.
Theophrastus.Date: 1988-- Books
Galen's "advice for an epileptic boy" / translated from the Greek by Owsei Temkin.
GalenDate: 1934- Books
Selection illustrating the history of Greek mathematics / with an English translation by Ivor Thomas.
Date: 1951- Books
Les œuvres ... Contenans l'interpretation de plusieurs divins et sacrez mysteres, et l'instruction d'un chacun en toutes bonnes et sainctes mœurs / Mises de grec en françois par Pierre Bellier.
Philo, of AlexandriaDate: 1598- Books
Les aphorismes ... / avec le commentaire de Galien sur le premier livre. Traduicts de grec en françois par J. Breche. Avec annotations ... ensemble certaines paraphrases servans de brief commentaire ... par ledict Breche. Plus, les Aphorismes de J. Damascene ... Ensemble une Epitome sur les trois livres des Temperaments de Galien. Le tout nouvellement imprimé.
HippocratesDate: 1571- Books
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Oppian's Halieuticks of the nature of fishes and fishing of the ancients in V books / Translated from the Greek. With an account of Oppian's life and writings and a catalogue of his fishes. [Ed. by J. Jones].
Oppian, active 2nd centuryDate: 1722- Books
- Online
Select works of Plotinus ... and extracts from the treatise of Synesius on providence / Translated from the Greek. With an introduction containing the substance of Porphyry's Life of Plotinus. By Thomas Taylor.
PlotinusDate: 1817- Books
De vesicae renumque morbis. De purgantibus medicamentis. De partibus corporis humani / Nunc iterum typis mandavit Gulielmus Clinch ... qui et dissetationem de auctore ejusque scriptis, una cum commentariolo de usu idoneo vesicantium in morbis curandis adjecit.
Rufus, of EphesusDate: 1726- Books
Numenius of Apamea, the father of neo-Platonism : works, biography, message, sources, and influence / by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie.
Guthrie, Kenneth Sylvan, 1871-1940.Date: 1917- Books
The history of epidemics. In seven books / [Hippocrates] ; translated into English from the Greek, with notes and observations, and a preliminary dissertation on the nature and cause of infection, by Samuel Farr.
Hippocrates.Date: 1780- Books
Sand-Rechnung, oder tiefsinnige Erfindung einer, mit ... Leichtigkeit aussprechlichen Zahl ... / Aus dem Griechischen in das Hochteutsche übersetzet ... von Joh. Christoph Sturm.
ArchimedesDate: 1667- Books
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Dreams and moles. With their interpretation and signification / [Translated from the Greek by a Fellow of the Royal Society].
Date: 1804- Books
Geographiae libri octo graeco-latini / [translated by B. Pirckheimer] latine primum recogniti et emendati, cum tabulis geographicis ad mentem auctoris restitutis per G. Mercatorem: iam vero ad graeca et latina exemplaria a P. Montano iterum recogniti, et pluribus locis castigati. Adjecta insuper ab eodem nomina recentia et aequipollentia ex variis auctoribus ... collecta.
Ptolemy, active 2nd centuryDate: 1605- Books
Frammenti medicinali / a cura di Cesare Brescia.
Archigenes.Date: [1957? premessa 1955]- Books
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Peri tōn tēs 'Hellados iamatikōn hydatōn / [Xaverias Landerer].
Landerer, Xaverias, 1809-1885.Date: 1840- Books
Ammonas, successeur de Saint Antoine : textes grecs et syriaques / édités et traduits par F. Nau.
Ammonas, Saint, active 4th century.Date: 1915- Books
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Makaronike glossa kai ipokrisia en te iatrike.
Rose, Achilles, 1839-1916.Date: [between 1900 and 1909]- Books
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Griechische Märchen, Sagen und Volkslieder / gesammelt, übersetzt und erläutert von Bernhard Schmidt.
Date: 1877- Books
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Nemesii episcopi et philosophi De natvra hominis liber vnvs / Nunc primùm in lucem editus et latinè conuersus à Nicasio Ellebodio Casletano.
NemesiusDate: 1565- Books
- Online
Nemesii episcopi et philosophi De natvra hominis liber vnvs / Nunc primùm in lucem editus et latinè conuersus à Nicasio Ellebodio Casletano.
NemesiusDate: 1565- Books
- Online
Anatomica ex libris Galeni / cum versione Latina Joannis Baptistae Rasarii: curante Gulielmo Dundass; cujus notae accedunt.
Oribasius.Date: 1735