7 results filtered with: Irish
- Books
Leabhar breathnach annso sis. The Irish version of the Historia Britonum ... / [by Giolla Caoimghin] Nennius ; Edited, with a translation and notes, by James Henthorn Todd ... The introduction and additional notes by Algernon Herbert.
Nennius, active 796.Date: 1848- Books
Regimen na sláinte : Regimen sanitatis Magnini Mediolanensis / Séamus Ó Ceithearnaigh do chuir i n-eagar.
Date: 1942-1944- Books
Catalogue of Latin and vernacular alchemical manuscripts in Great Britain and Ireland : dating from before the XVI century / by Dorothea Waley Singer ; assisted by Annie Anderson.
Singer, Dorothea Waley, 1884-Date: 1928-1931- Books
Acts of the Archbishop Colton in his metropolitan visitation of the diocese of Derry, A.D. MCCCXCVII; with a rental of the see estates at that time / Edited, from the original roll preserved in the archiepiscopal record closet of Armagh, with an introduction and notes, by the Rev. William Reeves.
Colton, John, Archbishop of Armagh, -1404.Date: 1850- Books
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the British Museum.
British Museum. Department of Manuscripts.Date: 1926-1953- Books
Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in Cambridge libraries / Pádraig de Brún, Máire Herbert.
De Brún, Pádraig, 1940-Date: 1986- Books
Irish ethno-botany and the evolution of medicine in Ireland / [Michael Francis Moloney].
Moloney, Michael Francis.Date: 1919