185 results filtered with: Chemistry, Pharmaceutical
- Books
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The origin, progress and present state of the various establishments for conducting chemical processes, and other medicinal preparations, at Apothecaries Hall.
Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London.Date: 1823- Books
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Die Arzneimittel-Synthese auf Grundlage der Beziehungen zwischen chemischem Aufbau und Wirkung : für Ärzte und Chemiker / von Sigmund Fränkel.
Fränkel, Sigmund, 1868-Date: 1906- Books
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Pharmaceutische Chemie / von F.A. Flückiger.
Flückiger, Friedrich A. (Friedrich August), 1828-1894.Date: 1888- Books
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An introduction to pharmaceutical chemistry / by John Attfield.
Attfield, John, 1835-1911.Date: 1867- Books
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Chemistry : general, medical, and pharmaceutical, including the chemistry of the U.S. pharmacopœia, a manual on the general principles of the science, and their applications in medicine and pharmacy / by John Attfield.
Attfield, John, 1835-1911.Date: 1883- Books
The future independence and progress of American medicine in the age of chemistry : a report / by John J. Abel [and others] ; Charles H. Herty, chairman.
American Chemical Society.Date: 1921- E-journals
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Pharmaceutical science & technology today
Date: ©1998-- Books
D. Georg. Ern. Stahlii, consiliarii et archiatri regii Borussici primarii, Fundamenta chymico-pharmaceutica generalia : accessit manuductio ad enchirises artis pharmaceuticae specialis / cura Benjamin Roth-Scholtzii.
Stahl, Georg Ernst, 1660-1734.Date: 1721- Books
Integration of pharmaceutical discovery and development : case histories / edited by Ronald T. Borchardt [and others].
Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
Bentley and Driver's Textbook of pharmaceutical chemistry.
Bentley, Arthur Owen, 1898-1943.Date: 1960- Books
Quantitative clinical chemistry / by John P. Peters and Donald D. Van Slyke.
Peters, John P. (John Punnett), 1886 or 1887-1955.Date: 1932- Books
Individual health : a technique for the study of individual constitution and its application to health / by E. Obermer.
Obermer, Edgar.Date: 1935-- Books
Introductory lecture and A discourse on the connexion between science and medicine / Thomas Cooper.
Cooper, Thomas, 1759-1839.Date: 1980- Books
- Online
The London manual of medical chemistry, comprising an interlinear verbal translation of the Pharmacopoeia, with extensive ... notes ... together with the treatment and tests of poisons, and ... the theory of pharmaceutical chemistry ... / By William Maugham.
Maugham, William.Date: 1831- Books
Practical pharmaceutical chemistry / by F. N. Appleyard and C. G. Lyons.
Appleyard, F. N. (Frederick Norman)Date: 1937- Books
The chemistry of organic medicinal products / by Glenn L. Jenkins and Walter H. Hartung.
Jenkins, Glenn L. (Glenn Llewellyn), 1898-1979.Date: 1941- Books
- Online
Aide-mémoire de pharmacie : vade-mecum du pharmacien à l'officine et au laboratoire / par Eusèbe Ferrand.
Ferrand, E. (Eusèbe), 1834-1892.Date: 1873- Books
Die neueren Arzneimittel : für Apotheker, Aerzte und Drogisten / bearbeitet von Bernhard Fischer.
Fischer, Bernhard, 1856-1905.Date: 1893- Books
- Online
Drug discovery today. Targets.
Date: -2004- Books
Supplementary price list of 'Wellcome' brand chemicals and galenicals / [Burroughs Wellcome & Co].
Burroughs Wellcome and Company.Date: [1905]- Books
Recreational drugs / by Professor Buzz.
Buzz, ProfessorDate: [1989]- Books
- Online
Le chimiste physicien, où l'on montre que les principes naturels de tous les corps sont veritablement ceux que l'on découvre par la chimie. Et où par des experiences et des raisons fondées sur les loix des méchaniques, aprés avoir donné des moyens faciles pour les separer des mixtes, on explique leurs proprietez, leurs usages, & les principaux phénomenes qu'on observe en travaillant en chimie / par J. Mongin.
Mongin, J.Date: 1704- Books
Chemistry : general, medical, and pharmaceutical including the chemistry of the British pharmacopœia a manual on the general principles of the science, and their applications in medicine and pharmacy / by John Attfield.
Attfield, John, 1835-1911.Date: 1889- Books
Micro-analysis in medical biochemistry / E.J. King.
King, E. J. (Earl Judson), 1901-1962.Date: [1946], ©1946- Books
Formulary : [1915].
Date: [1915]