69 results filtered with: Disability Studies
- Books
Making disability modern : design histories / edited by Elizabeth Guffey and Bess Williamson.
Date: 2020- Books
- Online
Sick of it! Special edition / a Disability Inside/Outside project.
Date: [2023]- Books
Global histories of disability, 1700-2015 : power, place and people / edited by Esmee Cleall.
Date: 2023- Journals
- Online
Spastics news : magazine of the National Spastics Society.
Date: 1958-1984- Books
A history of disability in England : from the medieval period to the present day / Simon Jarrett.
Jarrett, SimonDate: 2023- Books
The wonders : lifting the curtain on the freak show, circus and Victorian age / John Woolf.
Woolf, John (Historian)Date: 2019- Books
Crippled : austerity and the demonization of disabled people / Frances Ryan.
Ryan, FrancesDate: 2019- Books
Rape culture and ableism / Slutwalk Chicago.
Slutwalk ChicagoDate: [20-?]- Books
Black disability politics / Sami Schalk.
Schalk, Samantha DawnDate: [2022]- Books
Drawn poorly : barriers. Issue 4.
Drawn PoorlyDate: [2019]- Books
Electric bodies : travels in life history : personal stories of the emergence of the Disability Arts Movement / [Allan Sutherland ; edited and illustrated by Colin Hambrook].
Sutherland, Allan T.Date: [2020]- Books
More together than ever : disabled women's experiences of involvement in a self-organised group / Lorraine Gradwell MBE.
Gradwell, LorraineDate: 2018- Books
Bioarchaeology of impairment and disability : theoretical, ethnohistorical, and methodological perspectives / Jennifer F. Byrnes, Jennifer L. Muller, editors.
Date: [2017]- Books
The bitter taste of living with disability : disabled people's perspectives and experiences of discrimination and abuse / Freddy Mundia Maiba.
Mundia Maiba, FreddyDate: 2011- Books
UPIAS the Union of Physically Impaired Against Segregation (1972-1990) : a public record from private files / Tony Baldwinson.
Baldwinson, TonyDate: 2019- Books
Autistic community and the neurodiversity movement : stories from the frontline / edited by Steven K. Kapp.
Date: [2020]- Books
A life raft in a stormy sea : everyday disability politics rooted in the social model / Lorraine Gradwell.
Gradwell, LorraineDate: [2015]- Books
Look deeper : only the vulnerable. Issue 2.
Date: [2022]- Books
Activist affordances : how disabled people improvise more habitable worlds / Arseli Dokumacı.
Dokumacı, Arseli, 1981-Date: 2023- Books
Black madness : mad Blackness / Therí Alyce Pickens.
Pickens, Therí A.Date: 2019- Books
Demystifying disability : what to know, what to say, and how to be an ally / Emily Ladau.
Ladau, Emily, 1991-Date: [2021]- Journals
- Online
Disability now.
Date: 1984-2012- Journals
- Online
N.S.S. news : the monthly magazine of the National Spastics Society.
Date: 1953-1958- Books
Redefining disability / edited by Paul D.C. Bones, Jessica Smartt Gullion and Danielle Barber.
Date: 2022- Books
Telegram. Issue #39.
Elizabeth, Maranda, 1985-Date: 2016