52 results filtered with: Infants - Nutrition
- Books
The Glaxo baby book.
Date: [192-?]- Books
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Diet after weaning ; a manual for the care and feeding of children between the ages of one and two years.
Mellin's Food Company, Boston.Date: 1907- Pictures
Infant nutrition: a diet for a one-year old child. Colour lithograph, 1926.
Langstein, Leopold, 1876-1933.Date: [1926]Reference: 5098iPart of: Atlas der Hygiene des Kindes- Books
- Online
Infant feeding / by Clifford G. Grulee.
Grulee, Clifford G. (Clifford Groselle), 1880-1962.Date: 1912- Books
- Online
On the principles and exact conditions to be observed in the artificial feeding of infants: the properties of artificial foods: and the diseases which arise from faults of diet in early life : A series of lectures delivered in the post graduate course at St. Mary's hospital, and at the Hospital for sick children, Great Ormond Street, 1887.
Cheadle, Walter B. (Walter Butler), 1835-1910.Date: 1892- Pictures
- Online
Advice to mothers on feeding infants. Colour lithograph by O. Gri︠u︡n, 1922.
Gri︠u︡n, O., active 1919.Date: [1922?]Reference: 653119iPart of: Vystava po okhrane materinstva i mladenchestva- Books
Feeding your child from birth to three / Heather Welford ; recipes devised by Mary Whiting of the Food Commission..
Welford, HeatherDate: 1994- Books
- Online
Address by Dr. Ralph Vincent on "Production of pure milk and its value as a food for infants" : conference of representatives of public bodies and others interested in the supply of pure milk, held in the Council Chamber of the Bradford Town Hall, on Tuesday, May 21st, 1912. Councillor E.J. Smith, chairman of the Health Committee of the Bradford Corporation in the Chair.
Vincent, Ralph.Date: [1912]- Books
Infant feeding : the physiological basis / edited by James Akre.
Date: [1991]- Books
The breastfeeding answer book / Nancy Mohrbacher, Julie Stock.
Mohrbacher, NancyDate: 2003- Books
- Online
The natural and artificial methods of feeding infants and young children / by Edmund Cautley.
Cautley, Edmund, 1864-1944.Date: 1897- Pictures
- Online
A woman is holding a baby who is drinking milk from a goat; child in the foreground. Process print.
Date: 1900-1999Reference: 569432i- Pictures
- Online
An infant who has been living with a wet-nurse being taken away from its foster-parents by its natural mother. Etching by R. De Launay (Delaunay), 1780, after E. Aubry.
Aubry, Etienne, 1745-1781Date: [1780]Reference: 46825i- Books
Modern trends in infant nutrition and feeding / by Jonathan T. Lanman ; with a foreword by L. Emmett Holt, Jr.
Lanman, Jonathan Trumbull, 1917-Date: 1952- Books
- Online
Notes on midwifery / by J.M. Munro Kerr.
Munro Kerr, J. M. (John Martin), 1868-1956.Date: 1911- Books
- Online
On infant feeding / by William Berry.
Berry, William.Date: 1887- Books
- Online
The infant : nutrition and management / by Eric Pritchard.
Pritchard, Eric, 1864-1943.Date: 1921- Books
- Online
Cow's milk for infant food / by E. F. Brush ; read at a meeting of the American Medical Association at Newport, R. I., June 25th, 1889.
Brush, E. F. (Edward Fletcher), 1847-1927.Date: 1889- Books
- Online
On infant feeding and the value of preparations of pure Alpine milk / by Dr. Nachtigal.
Nachtigal, Dr.Date: 1888- Ephemera
Nourish and protect your baby with cod liver oil and other welfare foods : vitamins A D C / The Central Council for Health Education.
Date: 1959- Books
- Online
Infant diet : a lecture / by A. Jacobi. Delivered May 8, 1873. Revised, enlarged, and adapted to popular use by Mary Putnam Jacobi, M.D.
Jacobi, A. (Abraham), 1830-1919.Date: 1891- Books
- Online
Infant feeding / by Clifford G. Grulee.
Grulee, Clifford G. (Clifford Groselle), 1880-1962.Date: 1914- Books
Avis aux mères qui veulent nourrir leurs enfans / par Madame L. R.
Le Rebours, Marie-Angélique Anel, 1731-1821.Date: M. DCC. LXXXIII. [1783]- Books
Feeding & management in infancy / by Arthur A. Beale.
Beale, Arthur A.Date: 1894- Books
- Online
De la mortalité des enfants en bas age a l'époque de la dentition : guide maternel / par A. Delabarre.
Delabarre, A. (Antoine Francois Adolphe), 1819-1878.Date: 1855