102 results filtered with: Telescopes
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Francis Bacon and William Brouncker flanking a bust of King Charles II set on a pedestal, surrounded by symbols of scientific learning representing the Royal Society. Etching by W. Hollar, 1667, after J. Evelyn.
Evelyn, John, 1620-1706.Date: 1667Reference: 543626i- Pictures
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Astronomy: a number of ladies and gentlemen using telescopes and celestial globes, in a landscape of ruined classical architecture. Engraving, [c.1720?].
Reference: 46327i- Archives and manuscripts
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M0009426: The great equatorial telescope in the Dome at the Greenwich Observatory
Date: 18 March 1946Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/82/93Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Pictures
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A man is looking out of the window through a telescope as young children play on a rocking horse. Etching.
Reference: 36107i- Pictures
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Astronomy: a large portable refracting telescope. Engraving.
Reference: 46254i- Books
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Practical observations on telescopes.
Kitchiner, William, 1775?-1827.Date: 1815- Archives and manuscripts
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M0009421: Hartwell Manor Transit Room
Date: 18 March 1946Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/82/88Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Pictures
- Online
An eye in a star, the spokes of which divide the spectrum of colours; putti hold a prism, a telescope, a rod refracted in water, and a camera obscura; representing optics. Engraving by J. Chapman, 1820, after A.D. Macquin.
M'Quin, A. D. (Ange Denis), 1756-1823.Date: January 1820Reference: 25681i- Books
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The telescope and microscope / by Thomas Dick.
Dick, Thomas, 1774-1857.Date: [1851?]- Pictures
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Astronomy: a young astronomer in his study, talking with his sister, who holds a book in her lap. Engraving by C. Grignion after S. Wale.
Wale, Samuel, -1786.Reference: 46326i- Pictures
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Greenwich, with people in the foreground, London in the distance. Photo-lithograph by Dawsons after H. Dawson.
Dawson, Henry, 1811-1878.Reference: 26592i- Archives and manuscripts
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M0009423: The great equatorial telescope for Melbourne
Date: 18 March 1946Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/82/90Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Pictures
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Astronomy: a large refracting telescope constructed by Howard Grubb at Rathmines, Dublin. Wood engraving by W.J. Mosses, 1881, after F.W. after G. Browning.
Browning, G., active 1881Date: 1881Reference: 46261i- Pictures
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Astronomy: a large refracting telescope. Engraving.
Reference: 46169i- Pictures
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Jean Sylvain Bailly, Mayor of Paris, with his mistress, both represented as chickens. Etching, 1791.
Date: 1791Reference: 15982i- Archives and manuscripts
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M0009418: Herschel's 40 foot telescope
Date: 18 March 1946Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/82/85Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Books
Descriptive catalogue of telescopes in the Rijksmuseum voor de Geschiedenis der Natuurwetenschappen : (National Museum of the History of Science, Leiden (Netherlands)) / [E Engberts].
Engberts, E.Date: 1970- Books
Special offers in eyewear / Optical Department, Gamages.
Gamages Ltd. Optical Department.Date: [1930?]- Pictures
- Online
Scientific instruments and attributes of philosophy: gyroscopes, telescope, pestle and mortar, cosmological manuals, natural history specimens etc.. Lithograph by J-B-J. Jorand, 1835.
Jorand, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph, 1788-1850.Date: 1835Reference: 25985i- Pictures
- Online
The Royal Observatory, Paris: the terrace on the garden side, with men experimenting with astronomical and other scientific instruments. Etching, early eighteenth century.
Reference: 21882i- Books
The invention of the telescope / Albert Van Helden.
Van Helden, Albert.Date: 1977- Pictures
- Online
Astronomy: a British and Egyptian party taking astronomical and photographic equipment through rocky terrain in Egypt in order to observe the transit of Venus. Wood engraving, 1874.
Date: 1874Reference: 46234i- Archives and manuscripts
- Online
M0009411: Astronomical telescope with equatorial mount
Date: 18 March 1946Reference: WT/D/1/20/1/82/78Part of: Wellcome Trust Corporate Archive- Pictures
An admiral stands proudly wearing his uniform with a telescope under his arm on the deck of a ship? Lithograph, ca. 1946.
Date: (1946)Reference: 590686i- Pictures
- Online
Navigation: a gimbal compass and a sextant. Engraving.
Reference: 46659i