158 results filtered with: Yellow Fever - epidemiology
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A short account of the origin, symptoms, and most approved method of treating the putrid bilious fever, vulgarly called the black vomit: which appeared in the city of the Havanna, with the utmost violence, in the months of June, July and part of August, 1794. As practiced by Mr. John Holliday, an English surgeon resident in that city / [John Holliday].
Holliday, John.Date: 1795- Books
Disease mapping and early theories of yellow fever / Gary W. Shannon.
Shannon, G. W. (Gary William)Date: 1981- Books
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Remarks on the yellow fever of the south and east coasts of Spain : comprehending observations made on the spot, by actual survey of localities, and rigorous examination of fact at original sources of information / by Thomas O'Halloran.
Date: 1823- Books
A practical account of the Mediterranean fever as it appeared in the ships and hospitals of His Majesty's Fleet on that station : with cases and dissections ... facts and observations ... comprehending the history of fever in the Fleet during the years 1810, 1811, 1812, 1813, and of the Gibraltar & Carthagena fevers / by William Burnett.
Burnett, William, Sir, 1779-1861.Date: 1816- Books
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An account of the yellow fever, which occurred in the city of New-York, in the year 1822 : To which is prefixed a brief sketch of the different pestilential diseases, with which this city was afflicted, in the years 1798, 1799, 1803 & 1805, with the opinion of several of our most eminent physicians, respecting the origin of the disease, its prevention and cure. To which is added a correct list of all the deaths by yellow fever during the late season, taken from official documents / by James Hardie.
Hardie, James, 1758-1826.Date: 1822- Books
A short account of the plague, or malignant fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia: with a statement of the proceedings that took place on the subject in different parts of the United States / By Mathew Carey.
Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839.Date: 1794- Books
Yellow fever : a deadly disease poised to kill again / James L. Dickerson.
Dickerson, James.Date: 2006- Books
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Relation historique et médicale de la fièvre jaune qui a régné à Barcelone, en 1821 / [Mathieu Franc̨ois Maxence Audouard].
Audouard, M. (Mathieu), 1776-1856.Date: 1822- Books
On the recent introduction of yellow fever into Port Royal, Jamaica / by Alexander Bryson.
Bryson, Alexander, 1802-1869.Date: 1861- Books
Yellow fever infection as observed in Europeans in the Nuba Mountains, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan / by R. Kirk, R.T. Campbell and R. Charlton.
Kirk, R.Date: [1941]- Books
The New Orleans yellow fever epidemic in 1878 : a note on the affective history of societies and communities / John H. Ellis.
Ellis, John H. (John Hubert), 1931-2008.Date: 1977- Books
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The history of the mild yellow fever which prevailed in the city of Natchez in 1848 : with observations respecting its character and natural mode of cure : to which is appended from various authors descriptions and notices of that disease, of dengue, and of inflammation of the stomach and bowels / by C.H. Stone.
Stone, C. H.Date: 1849- Books
A febre amarella no Brasil : notas a documentos de uma grande campanha sanitaria / pelo prof. Clementino Fraga ; com a collaboração dos drs. Sebastião Barrozo [and others].
Fraga, Clementino, 1880-1971.Date: 1930- Books
A brief view of the yellow fever, as it appeared in Andalusia during the epidemic of 1820 : together with the mode of treatment adopted, and an account of the appearances on dissection: to which is prefixed, a short topographical sketch of the country / by Thos. O'Halloran.
O'Halloran, Thomas.Date: 1821- Books
Influence of climate and other agents, on the human constitution, with reference to the causes and prevention of disease among seamen : with observations on fever in general and an account of the epidemic fever of Jamaica / by Robert Armstrong.
Armstrong, Robert.Date: 1843- Books
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Yellow fever, Bermuda : historical sketch, abstracted from returns to Parliament, 20th December 1854, 17th February 1858, and 4th August 1866.
Date: [1866?]- Books
The Mississippi Valley's great yellow fever epidemic of 1878 / Khaled J. Bloom.
Bloom, Khaled J., 1954-Date: [1993], ©1993- Books
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The yellow fever epidemic of 1878 in Memphis, Tenn. : embracing a complete list of the dead, the names of the doctors and nurses employed, names of all who contributed money or means, and the names and history of the Howards, together with other data, and lists of the dead elsewhere / by J.M. Keating.
Keating, John McLeod, 1830-1906.Date: 1879- Books
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Clinical memoranda : memoranda of medical clinic at Charity Hospital, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1869-1870 / by Joseph Jones. The yellow fever, sanitary condition, and vital statistics of New Orleans during its military occupation, the four years, 1862-5 / by Stanford E. Chaillé.
Jones, Joseph, 1833-1896.Date: [1871?]- Books
Alabama's yellow fever epidemic of 1878 / Robert Partin.
Partin, Robert.Date: 1957- Books
Traité pratique de la fièvre jaune observée à la Nouvelle Orléans / Par Pierre-Frédéric Thomas.
Thomas, Pierre-Frédéric, 1791-1858.Date: 1848- Books
Observations on the disease called the plague, on the dysentery, the ophthalmy of Egypt, and on the means of prevention. With some remarks on the yellow fever of Cadiz, and the description and plan of an hospital for the reception of patients affected with epidemic and contagious diseases / By P. Assalini ... Translated from the French by Adam Neale ... To which is added a letter concerning the seasoning, or yellow fever of the West-Indies. By George Pinckard.
Assalini, Paolo.Date: 1806- Books
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Notes on the West Indies: written during the expedition under the command of the late General Sir Ralph Abercromby: including observations on the island of Barbadoes, and the settlements captured by the British troops, upon the coast of Guiana; likewise remarks relating to the creoles and slaves of the western colonies, and the Indians of South America: with occasional hints, regarding the seasoning, or yellow fever of hot climates / By George Pinckard.
Pinckard, George, 1768-1835.Date: 1806- Books
Politics, parties, and pestilence : epidemic yellow fever in Philadelphia and the rise of the first party system / Martin S. Pernick.
Pernick, Martin S.Date: 1978- Books
Joannis Moultrie ... Dissertatio medica de febre maligna biliosa Americae : anglice the Yellow Fever, habita olim ... in Academia Edinburgensi pro gradu doctoris / edidit iterum et praefatus est E.G. Baldinger.
Moultrie, John, 1729-1798.Date: 1768