46 results filtered with: Adaptation, Biological
- Books
Genetics and adaptation / E.B. Ford.
Ford, E. B. (Edmund Brisco), 1901-1988.Date: 1976- Books
Aquatic mammals : their adaptations to life in the water / by A. Brazier Howell ... with fifty-four illustrations.
Howell, A. Brazier (Alfred Brazier), 1886-1961.Date: [1930]- Books
Biological defence mechanisms / Ian Carr.
Carr, Ian, MD, Ph D, FRCPath, FRCPC.Date: [1972]- Books
Anatomie générale : origines des formes et des structures anatomiques / par H. Rouvière.
Rouvière, H. (Henri), 1875-1952.Date: 1939- Books
Hormones, heredity, and race : spectacular failure in interwar Vienna / Cheryl A. Logan.
Logan, Cheryl A.Date: [2013]- Books
Adaptation of domestic animals / edited by E.S.E. Hafez.
Date: 1968- Books
Human evolutionary genetics / Mark Jobling, Edward Hollox, Matthew Hurles, Toomas Kivisild, Chris Tyler-Smith.
Date: [2014]- Books
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Über physiologische und pathologische Anpassung des Auges : ein Vortrag / von Armin Tschermak.
Tschermak-Seysenegg, Armin von, 1870-1952.Date: 1900- Books
Beyond natural selection / Robert Wesson.
Wesson, Robert G.Date: 1993- Books
- Online
Evolution and adaptation / by Thomas Hunt Morgan.
Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 1866-1945.Date: 1903- Books
Why geese don't get obese (and we do) : how evolution's strategies for survival affect our everyday lives / Eric P. Widmaier.
Widmaier, Eric P.Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
Die neuroendokrine Steuerung der Adaptationstätigkeit / von K. Lissák und E. Endrőczi ; [Durchsicht des deutschen Textes : Annaliese Környey-Heuck].
Lissák, K. (Kálmán)Date: 1960- Books
The effects of low temperatures on biological systems / edited by B.W.W. Grout, G.J. Morris.
Date: 1987- Books
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Medical contributions to the study of evolution / by J.G. Adami.
Adami, J. George (John George), 1862-1926.Date: 1918- Books
Modern concepts on biological adaptation / Ludwig von Bertalanffy.
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von.Date: 1959- Books
Organism and environment as illustrated by the physiology of breathing / by John Scott Haldane.
Haldane, J. S. (John Scott), 1860-1936.Date: 1917- Books
- Online
Human adaptability : a history and compendium of research in the International Biological Programme / K.J. Collins and J.S. Weiner.
Date: 1977- Books
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What is adaptation? / by R.E. Lloyd.
Lloyd, R. E. (Richard Ernest), 1875-Date: 1914- Books
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Ecological processes / Alan Mozley.
Mozley, Alan, 1904-Date: 1959- Books
The impact of civilisation on the biology of man / edited by S.V. Boyden.
Date: 1970- Books
Physiology and pathology of adaptation mechanisms : neural, neuroendocrine, humoral / by Eörs Bajusz and collaborators.
Bajusz, Eörs.Date: [1969]