71 results filtered with: Advertising - history
- Books
The shocking history of advertising! / E.S. Turner.
Turner, E. S. (Ernest Sackville), 1909-2006.Date: [1953], ©1953- Books
Pills and print / Peter Isaac.
Isaac, Peter C. G.Date: 1998- Books
Arzt, Medizin und Anzeigen mit medizinischem Imhalt im Spiegel der regionalen Tageszeitung "Rheinische Post" des Jahres 1981 / von Ralf Wibbeling.
Wibbeling, Ralf.Date: 1988- Books
A history of advertising from the earliest times : Illustrated by anecdotes, curious specimens and biographical notes / by Henry Sampson ; with illustrations and facsimiles.
Sampson, Henry, 1841-1891.Date: 1874- Books
"Every man is his own doctor" : popular medicine in early America an exhibition drawn from the collections of Charles E. Rosenberg, William H. Helfand and the Library Company of Philadelphia / catalogue essays by Dr. Rosenberg and Mr. Helfand ; checklist of books and prints by James N. Green.
Library Company of Philadelphia.Date: 1998- Books
A study in eighteenth-century advertising methods : the Anodyne Necklace / Francis Doherty.
Doherty, Francis (Francis Cecil)Date: [1992], ©1992- Ephemera
Blotters : July 3 to September 30 2000 : a small exhibition in the display cases at the far end of the Modern Medicine reading room in the Wellcome Library / Stephen Lowther.
Lowther, Stephen, 1955-Date: 2000- Books
The encyclopedia of ephemera : a guide to the fragmentary documents of everyday life for the collector, curator and historian / Maurice Rickards ; edited and completed by Michael Twyman.
Rickards, Maurice, 1919-1998.Date: 2000- Books
Latte, pappe e ... cartoline / Sergio Rocchietta.
Rocchietta, Sergio.Date: 1992- Books
Popular medicines : an illustrated history / Peter G. Homan, Briony Hudson, Raymond C. Rowe.
Homan, Peter G.Date: 2008- Books
Vitamania : vitamins in American culture / Rima D. Apple.
Apple, Rima D. (Rima Dombrow), 1944-Date: [1996], ©1996- Books
A history of English advertising / [Blanche Beatrice Elliott].
Elliott, Blanche B.Date: [1962], ©1962- Books
Historical images of the drug market. V / by William H. Helfand.
Helfand, William H.Date: 1985- Books
Vintage cookbooks and advertising leaflets / Sandra J. Norman and Karrie K. Andes.
Norman, Sandra J.Date: [1998], ©1998- Books
Historical images of the drug market. IX / by William H. Helfand.
Helfand, William H.Date: 1986- Books
Schmerz lass nach : Drogerie-Werbung der DDR [Ausstellung] Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden / Konzeption und Realisation, Ulrich Giersch, Thomas Gubig, Sebastian Köpcke ; hrsg., Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden.
Giersch, Ulrich.Date: [1992]- Books
The quack doctor : historical remedies for all your ills / Caroline Rance.
Rance, Caroline, 1975-Date: 2013- Books
British dental tokens / Ben Z. Swanson.
Swanson, Ben Z.Date: 1984- Books
Iatrikē kai diaphēmisē stēn Ellada : apo tēn archaiotēta ōs to 1940 ptyches tēs istorias tēs iatrikēs kai tēs diaphēmisēs / Lazaros E. Vladimēros, Andreas Chr. Rizopoulos.
Vladimēros, Lazaros E.Date: 1992- Books
Soft soap, hard sell : American hygiene in an age of advertisement / Vincent Vinikas.
Vinikas, Vincent.Date: 1992- Books
The image of Victoria in the year of the Jubilee / Thomas Richards.
Richards, Thomas, active 1987.Date: 1987- Books
'No cure, no money', or the invisible hand of quackery : the language of commerce, credit, and cash in eighteenth-century British medical advertisements / Lisa Forman Cody.
Cody, Lisa Forman.Date: 2008- Books
Victorian delights / Robert Wood ; designed by Brian Denyer.
Wood, Robert, 1908-Date: 1967- Books
Stronger than dirt : a cultural history of advertising personal hygiene in America, 1875 to 1940 / Juliann Sivulka.
Sivulka, Juliann.Date: 2000- Student dissertations
Selling Johnny : the history of condom advertising in the twentieth century / by Chris Schelvan.
Schelvan, Chris.Date: 1990