81 results filtered with: Blood Coagulation
- Books
Electrical resistance changes during clot retraction / by G.W. Molnar [and others].
Molnar, G. W.Date: 1957- Archives and manuscripts
Professor Robert (Robin) Royston Amos Coombs (1921-2006)
Coombs, Professor Robert (Robin) Royston Amos, FRS, FCPath, Hon FRCP, (1921-2006), ImmunologistDate: 1940s-1990sReference: PP/RRC- Books
Blood coagulation, hemmorrhage and thrombosis : methods of study / edited by Leandro M. Tocantins and Louis A. Kazal.
Date: [1964]- Books
- Online
On the coagulation of the blood / by L.C. Wooldridge.
Wooldridge, Leonard Charles, 1857-1889.Date: [1883]- Books
Arrest of bleeding : physiology, pharmacology, pathology / Jacques Roskam.
Roskam, Jacques.Date: [1954]- Books
- Online
Die Gerinnung des Blutes / von L.C. Wooldridge ; nach dem Tode des Verfassers herausgegeben von M.v. Frey.
Wooldridge, L. C. (Leonard Charles)Date: 1891- Books
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On the coagulation of the blood : the Croonian lecture delivered before the Royal Society of London 11th June 1863 / by Joseph Lister.
Lister, Joseph, Baron, 1827-1912.Date: 1863- Books
- Online
Further observations on the coagulation of the blood / by L.C. Wooldridge.
Wooldridge, Leonard Charles, 1857-1889.Date: [1882?]- Books
The use of antibodies in the study of blood coagulation / K.W.E. Denson.
Denson, K. W. E. (Kenneth William Ernest)Date: [1967]- Books
- Online
Dissertatio physiologico-medica inauguralis, sistens sanguinis coagulantis historiam, cum experimentis ad eam illustrandam institutis ... / publico ac solemni examini offert Jacobus Ludovicus Conradus Schroeder van der Kolk.
Schroeder Van Der Kolk, Jacob Lodewijk Koenraad, 1797-1862.Date: [1820]- Books
Antikoagulantien : angewandte Gerinnungsphysiologie, Pathologie und Klinik thromboembolischer Erkrankungen / von Eberhard Perlick.
Perlick, E. (Eberhard)Date: 1964- Books
- Online
The Hunterian oration delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on the fourteenth day of February 1863 / by George Gulliver.
Gulliver, George, 1804-1882.Date: 1880- Books
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On the conditions which determine the distribution of the coagulation following the intra-vascular injection of a solution of Wooldridge's tissue fibrinogen / by A.E. Wright.
Wright, Almroth, 1861-1947.Date: 1891- Books
Some experiments on factors concerned in the formation of thrombin / Henry Halett Dale and George Stanley Walpole.
Dale, Henry H. (Hnery Hallett), Sir, 1875-Date: 1916- Books
- Online
The cause of the coagulation of the blood : being the Astley Cooper prize essay for 1856, with additional observations and experiments, and with an appendix, showing the bearings of the subject on practical medicine and pathology / by Benjamin Ward Richardson.
Richardson, Benjamin Ward, 1828-1896.Date: 1858- Books
The chemistry of blood coagulation / by Paul Morawitz ; translated by Robert C. Hartmann and Paul F. Guenther.
Morawitz, Paul, 1879-1936.Date: [1958]- Books
On certain points in connexion with the exaltation and reduction of blood coagulability by therapeutic measures and in particular on the effect produced upon the blood by the ingestion of calcium chloride, calcium lactate, magnesium carbonate, cow's milk, and other medicinal agents / by A.E. Wright and W. Erasmus Paramore.
Wright, Almroth, 1861-1947.Date: [1905?]- Books
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A simple coagulometer / by H.H. Dale and P.P. Laidlaw.
Dale, Henry H. (Henry Hallett), 1875-1968.Date: [1912?]- Books
Thèse pour le doctorat en médecine : présentée et soutenue le 23 août 1841, / par Am. Wilbaux ... Considérations sur le caillot de la saignée. ... [etc].
Wilbaux, Amable, 1813-1880.Date: 1841- Books
On spontaneous gangrene from arteritis and the causes of coagulation of the blood in diseases of the blood-vessels / by Joseph Lister.
Lister, Joseph, Baron, 1827-1912.Date: 1858- Books
Professor Stewart Cederholm-Williams.
Date: 2002- Books
Blood coagulation and its disorders in the dog / D.E. Hall.
Hall, D. E. (Derek Edwin)Date: [1972]- Books
- Online
The factors of coagulation in primary pernicious anemia / Cecil K. Drinker, M.D. and Samuel H. Hurwitz, M.D. Boston.
Drinker, Cecil Kent, 1887-1956Date: 1915- Ephemera
- Online
Cibalgina, analgésico poderoso de acción rápida y segura ... : Hemostático fisiológico Coaguleno / CIBA.
Date: [1953?]- Books
On the coagulation of the blood in its practical aspects : the annual oration to the Medical Society of London, delivered May 4, 1891 / [Joseph Lister].
Lister, Joseph, Baron, 1827-1912.Date: 1909