238 results filtered with: Cataract
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Cataract and its treatment : comprising an easy mode of dividing the cornea for its extraction and appropriate means for removing the different forms of that affection / by John Scott.
Scott, John.Date: 1843- Videos
India's hospital train lifeline express.
Date: 2009- Books
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Clinique ophthalmologique : sur les causes ordinaires d'insuccès dans l'extraction de la cataracte de morgagni (cataracte a noyau flottant) et sur les moyens d'en triompher / par le Dr. Georges Martin.
Martin, Georges.Date: 1878- Books
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On a visible stellation of the normal and of the cataractous crystalline lens of the human eye / by John Tweedy.
Tweedy, John, 1849-1924.Date: [1874]- Film
Cataract 1952.
Date: 1952- Audio
Examination of the eye.
Date: 1963- Books
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La maturation artificielle de la cataracte / par Virgile Caudron.
Caudron, Virgile.Date: 1883- Books
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Quaestio medico-chirurgica, an cataractae confirmatae, operatio chirurgica unicum remedium. / Proposita à R. D. Antonio Magnol, ... ; Quam deo favente, & auspice dei-parâ, ad primam Apollinarem lauream consequendam, in augustissimo Monspeliensis Apollinis Fano. Die mensis Aprilis anni 1731. ab horâ 8. ad meridiem, publicè enucleabit, solvet, propugnabit Petrus Laulanie.
Magnol, Antoine, 1676-1759.Date: 1731- Books
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On the pathological examination of three eyes lost from concussion / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1890]- Books
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Cataract, and its treatment, medical and surgical : a paper on the cause and cure of cataract, read before the Medical Society of London / by Jabez Hogg.
Hogg, Jabez, 1817-1899.Date: 1870- Books
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A thesis on the cataract : with some remarks on the eye / by Arthur B. Stout.
Stout, Arthur B.Date: 1837- Books
On partial and complete loss of sight in diabetes : with a note of two cases of diabetic cataract / by J. Warburton Begbie.
Begbie, James Warburton, 1826-1876.Date: 1861- Books
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Du traitement de la cataracte sans opération. Et des obstacles que l'administration oppose a son efficacité / par M. Gondret.
Gondret, Louis-François, 1776-1855.Date: 1839- Books
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A treatise on some practical points relating to the diseases of the eye / by the late John Cunningham Saunders ... To which are addded, a short account of the author's life, and his method of curing the congenital cataract, by ... J.R. Farre, M.D.
Saunders, John Cunningham, 1773-1810.Date: 1816- Audio
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Trachoma and inclusion conjunctivitis.
Date: 1963- Film
Scapel and scissors incision for cataract : a flanged incision.
Date: 1967- Books
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An account of a new mode of operation for the removal of the opacity in the eye called cataract.
Earle, James, Sir, 1755-1817.Date: 1801- Books
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Experimentelle Studie über Traumatische Katarakt / Carl Schloesser.
Schloesser, Carl.Date: 1887- Books
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Ricerche per facilitare il cateterismo e la estrazione della cateratta / di Gio. Gereme Santerelli.
Date: 1795- Books
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The composition of the human lens in health and in cataract : and its bearing upon operations for the latter / by William J. Collins.
Collins, William J. (William Job), 1859-1946.Date: 1889- Books
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Lamellar cataract and rickets / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1895]- Books
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A treatise on the cataract; : with cases to prove the necessity of dividing the transparent cornea, ... / by M. de Wenzel, jun. ... ; translated from the French, with many additional remarks, by James Ware, surgeon.
Wenzel, M. de (Michel), -1810.Date: M.DCC.XCI. [1791]- Books
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Official papers relating to operations performed by ... the Royal Hospital for Seamen, at Greenwich, ... for the cure of the various species of cataract, and the Egyptian Ophthalmia / published by order of the Directors.
Date: 1814- Books
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Die Funktionskrankheiten des Auges : Ursache und Verhütung des Grauen und Grünen Staares / von W. Schoen.
Schoen, Wilhelm, 1848-1917.Date: 1893- Books
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On the pathogenesis of anterior polar cataract / by E. Treacher Collins.
Collins, E. Treacher (Edward Treacher), 1862-1937.Date: [1898]