406 results filtered with: Child Care
- Books
The Good housekeeping parents' book : the care of children from the age of five to the end of the school years / by the Good Housekeeping children's doctor, a child psychologist and various other experts.
Date: 1947- Books
- Online
Child life and labour / by Margaret Alden.
Alden, Margaret (Margaret Pearse)Date: [1908]- Books
The care of children in the tropics in health and disease : a practical guide for mothers, nurses, and junior practitioners of medicine / by Eric C. Spaar.
Spaar, Eric C.Date: 1930- Books
Pocket book of hospital care for children : guidelines fot the management of common illnesses with limited resources.
Date: [2005], ©2005- Books
- Online
Feeding and care of infants and children : with special reference to cases of difficult digestion / by Nurse Hughes.
Hughes, Sarah Jane.Date: [1912]- Books
Promoting the health of children : a guide for caretakers and health care professionals / Sheila M. Pringle, Brenda E. Ramsey.
Pringle, Sheila M.Date: 1982- Books
- Online
Gesundheits-Katechismus zum Gebrauche in den Schulen und zu allgemeinem Nutzen des Schwäbischen Landvolks auch häuslichem Unterricht. / von Bernhard Christoph Faust, D. ... Mit 4 Holzschnitten.
Faust, Bernhard Christoph, 1755-1842.Date: 1795- Books
Synopsis of three symposia held by IPA in the Ivory Coast, Mexico and Malaysia, in co-operation with UNICEF, WHO and various regional and national organisations / [prepared by Gavin Arneil ... and Perla Santos Ocampo].
Arneil, Gavin C.Date: [1986?]- Books
- Online
The care and feeding of children : a catechism for the use of mothers and children's nurses / by L. Emmett Holt.
Holt, L. Emmett (Luther Emmett), 1855-1924.Date: 1914,©1912- Books
Dos Ḳind : Fizishe ertsihung / fon Hannah G. Salutsḳi.
Salutsky, Hannah G., 1880-Date: 1920- Books
The young mother, or, Management of children in regard to health / by Wm. A. Alcott.
Alcott, William A. (William Andrus), 1798-1859.Date: 1836- Books
Chavasse's advice to a mother on the management of her children and on the treatment on the moment of some of their more pressing illnesses and accidents.
Chavasse, Pye Henry, 1810-1879.Date: [1920]- Books
- Online
A practical treatise on the diseases of children / by J. Forsyth Meigs.
Meigs, J. Forsyth (John Forsyth), 1818-1882.Date: 1848- Books
Some mothers I know : living with handicapped children / Tom Wakefield.
Wakefield, Tom.Date: 1978- Books
- Online
The study of children and their school training / by Francis Warner.
Warner, Francis, 1847-1926.Date: 1902- Books
Pharmacopoeia of the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London W.C.1.
Hospital for Sick Children (London, England)Date: 1933- Books
The physical nature of the child, and how to study it / Stuart Henry Rowe.
Rowe, Stuart H. (Stuart Henry), 1869-Date: 1908- Books
Diseases of children / by A. Dingwall Fordyce.
Fordyce, Alexander Dingwall.Date: 1916- Books
Child care and management : from birth to adolescence / [Patricia Edge].
Edge, Patricia, 1910-Date: 1971- Books
Baby and child care / [Benjamin Spock].
Spock, Benjamin, 1903-1998.Date: [1958]- Books
Le livre des jeunes mères : la nourrice et le nourrisson / par mme. Millet-Robinet et Émile Allix.
Millet-Robinet, Cora, 1798-1890.Date: 1897- Books
The health of the runabout child : the journey from his mother's lap to the school gate / by William Palmer Lucas.
Lucas, William Palmer, 1880-1960.Date: 1923- Books
De la santé des petits enfants : ou, avis aux mères sur la conservation des enfants pendant la grossesse, sur leur éducation physique depuis la naissance jusqu'à l'âge de sept ans et sur leur principales maladies / par L. Seraine.
Seraine, Louis, 1816-1864Date: 1854- Books
- Online
Neues Handbuch der Kinderkrankheiten : besonders zum Gebrauch für Eltern und Erzieher / von C.A. Struve.
Struve, Christian August, 1767-1807.Date: 1797- Books
Babies and young children : feeding, management, and care / by Ronald Illingworth and Cynthia Illingworth.
Illingworth, Ronald S. (Ronald Stanley), 1909-1990.Date: [1972]