337 results filtered with: Communicable diseases
- Books
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On SARS type economic effects during infectious disease outbreaks / Milan Brahmbhatt, Arindam Dutta.
Brahmbhatt, MilanDate: 2008- Books
The bare essentials of Zika virus / Dr. Christopher Maloney, N.D.
Maloney, ChristopherDate: [2016]- Books
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Quistioni di medicina : toccanti l'origine la natura e la terapia de' morbi contagioisi ed epidemici e particolarmente delle febbri tifoidee -- perniciose -- gastriche o itterodi -- pestilenziale ec., del vajuolo del morbillo della sifilide, della pellagra dello skirlievo, e gli errori perniciosissimi de' medici in questo argomento / opera [de] ... Antonio Bodei.
Bodei, Antonio, 1788-approximately 1820.Date: 1822-1827- Books
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Essays in preventive medicine : infection and disinfection : the health of children, and the period of infection in epidemic diseases / by William Squire.
Squire, WilliamDate: 1887- Audio
Meningitis and malaria.
Date: 1999- Books
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Micro-organisms and disease : an introduction into the study of specific micro-organisms / by E. Klein.
Date: 1885- Books
A practical text-book of infection, immunity, and specific therapy : with special reference to immunologic technic / by John A. Kolmer ... with an introduction by Allen J. Smith ... with 147 original illustrations, 46 in colors, by Edwin F. Faber.
Kolmer, John A. (John Albert), 1886-Date: 1917- Pictures
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World Tuberculosis Day in Djibouti. Colour lithograph by Said Ali for Ministère de la Santé and Programme National de lutte contre la Tuberculose, ca. 2000.
Date: [2000?]Reference: 752340i- Books
Third annual report of the Cork House of Recovery, for the prevention and cure of fevers.
House of Recovery (Cork)Date: 1806- Books
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Select dissertations on several subjects of medical science / by Sir Gilbert Blane ; now first collected, with alterations and additions; together with several new and original articles.
Blane, Gilbert, Sir, 1749-1834.Date: 1822- Books
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Report on the epidemic fever of Edinburgh : an account of the symptoms and treatment / by William Henderson. Analysis and details of forty-seven inspections after death / by John Reid.
Henderson, William, 1810-1872.Date: [1840-?]- Books
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Traité des maladies épidémiques : origine, évolution, prophylaxie.
Colin, Léon, 1830-1906.Date: 1879- Books
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Observations on the nature and treatment of cholera, and on the pathology of mucous membranes / By Alex. Turnbull Christie.
Christie, Alexander Turnbull.Date: 1828- Books
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Statistical studies in immunity : natural immunity and the capacity for acquiring immunity in the acute infectious diseases / by John Brownlee.
Brownlee, John, 1868-1927.Date: [1905]- Videos
Ebola the search for a cure.
Date: 2014- Audio
Assignment : 11th AIDS annual conference in Vancouver.
Date: 1996- Books
How vaccines work! / by Megan Llewellyn.
Llewellyn, MeganDate: 2015- Audio
TB prevention and control.
Date: 2001- Books
- Online
A treatise on symptomatic fevers ; including inflammations, hemorrhagies, and mucous discharges / by A. P. Wilson Philip.
Philip, Alexander Philip Wilson, 1770-1847.Date: 1820- Books
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Report by the Central Board of Health of Jamaica / presented to the legislature under the provisions of the 14th Vic. chap. 60, and printed by order of the Assembly.
Jamaica. Central Board of Health.Date: 1852- Books
Experimental bacteriology in its applications to the diagnosis, epidemiology, and immunology of infectious diseases / by Dr. W. Kolle ... Dr. H. Hetsch ... translated from the seventh, completely revised German edition by Dagny Erikson. The English version, incorporating further revision, edited by John Eyre ... 118 plates and 200 text figures.
Kolle, Wilhelm, 1868-1935.Date: [1934]- Books
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Tentamen medicum inaugurale, de peste / quod, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate reverendi admodum viri, D. Georgii Baird ... pro gradu doctoris ... ; eruditorum examini subjicit Gulielmus Allan.
Moncreiff, William.Date: [1814]- Books
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On the glanders in the human subject / By John Elliotson.
Elliotson, John, 1791-1868.Date: 1830- Books
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Die Tuberkulose vom Standpunkte der Infectionslehre / von Julius Cohnheim.
Cohnheim, Julius Freidrich, 1839-1884.Date: 1880- Books
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Dr. Thorne Thorne's report to the local government board on the sanitary condition of the Dewsbury registration district, with special reference to the prevalence of infectious diseases in the district.
Thorne, Richard Thorne.Date: 1878