943 results filtered with: Diagnosis
- Books
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Dictionnaire du diagnostic, ou l'art de connoître les maladies. Et de les distinguer exactement les unes des autres / Par M. Helian.
Hélian.Date: 1771- Books
Bedside diagnosis / by Charles Seward.
Seward, Charles.Date: 1955- Books
Lehrbuch klinischer Diagnostik und Untersuchungsmethodik : für Studierende, Medizinalpraktikanten und Ärzte / von Theodor Brugsch und Alfred Schittenhelm.
Brugsch, Theodor, 1878-1963.Date: 1923, ©1922- Books
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Clinical methods : a guide to the practical study of medicine / by Robert Hutchison and Harry Rainy.
Rainy Harry.Date: 1912- Pictures
Erasistratus, a physician, realising that Antiochus's (son of Seleucus I) illness is lovesickness for his stepmother Stratonice, by observing that Antiochus's pulse rose whenever he sees her. Stipple engraving by G. Graham, 1793, after B. West.
West, Benjamin, 1738-1820.Date: 24 June 1793Reference: 21247i- Books
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The Rontgen rays in the diagnosis of diseases of the chest. / by Hugh Walsham and G. Harrison Orton.
Walsham, Hugh.Date: 1906- Books
The doctor's pocket remembrancer / J.C. Eno Ltd.
J. C. Eno Ltd.Date: 1923- Audio
Why people fall ill.
Date: 1963- Books
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A bedside manual of physical diagnosis : ... with an appendix, containing a plan for the registration of cases in hospital and private pratice : also an abstract of Mr. Farr's statistical nosology / by Charles Cowan.
Cowan Charles, 1806-1868.Date: 1842- Books
Diagnosis : dispatches from the frontlines of medical mysteries / Lisa Sanders.
Sanders, Lisa, 1956-Date: 2009- Books
Clinical applied anatomy, or, The anatomy of medicine and surgery / by Charles R. Box and W. McAdam Eccles.
Box, Charles R.Date: 1906- Books
Sémiologie médicale : initiation à la médecine / par Maurice Bariéty, Robert Bonniot et Jean Bariéty.
Bariéty, Maurice, 1897-1971.Date: 1969- Books
Symptom diagnosis : regional and general / by Wilfred M. Barton and Wallace M. Yater.
Barton, Wilfred M. (Wilfred Mason), 1871-1930.Date: 1927- Books
- Online
Medical diagnosis : a manual of clinical methods / John James Graham Brown.
Brown, J. J. Graham (John James Graham)Date: 1897- Books
Ñams yig brgya rtsa las rluṅ nad bcos paʼi yig chuṅ nas chaṅ nad bcos paʼi yig chuṅ gi bar bśugs so / Goṅ-sman Dkon-mchog-ʼphan-dar.
Dkon-mchog-ʼphan-dar, Goṅ-sman, 1511-1577.Date: [1997]- Books
The process of diagnosis : including the method of history-taking, and physical examination of surgical cases / by E. Stanley Ryerson.
Ryerson, E. Stanley.Date: 1922- Books
Diagnostic nuclear medicine / edited by Alexander Gottschalk and E. James Potchen.
Date: [1976], ©1976- Books
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Medicinische Diagnostik, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Differentialdiagnostik / von J. Hermann Baas.
Date: 1883- Books
Galeni De affectorum locorum notitia libri sex / Guilielmo Copo interprete.
Galen.Date: [1513]- Books
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Symptoms and their interpretation / by James Mackenzie.
Mackenzie, James, 1853-1925.Date: 1909- Books
Aids to medical diagnosis / by G.E. Frederick Sutton.
Sutton, G. E. Frederick (George Ernest Frederick)Date: 1958- Books
Diagnostik innerer Krankheiten in Tabellenform / von A. J. Cemach.
Cemach, A. I. (Alexander Isaak), 1882-Date: 1957- Books
- Online
Klinische Diagnostik innerer Krankheiten mittels bakteriologischer, chemischer und mikroskopischer Untersuchungsmethoden / von Rudolf v. Jaksch.
Jaksch von Wartenhorst, Rudolf, Ritter, 1855-1947.Date: 1892- Books
The brain and pastoral medicine / Gottfried Roth.
Roth, Gottfried.Date: 1991- Books
Essentials of the diagnostic examination / by John B. Youmans.
Youmans, John B. (John Barlow), 1893-1979.Date: 1940