115 results filtered with: Fractures, Bone
- Books
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A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations / by Frank Hastings Hamilton.
Hamilton, Frank Hastings, 1813-1886.Date: 1880- Books
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De fracta fibula : theses anatomico-chirurgicae.
Quique, Jacques Joseph.Date: [1782]- Books
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A letter, containing some observations on fractures of the lower limbs : to which is added, an account of a contrivance to administer cleanliness and comfort to the bed-ridden, or persons confined to bed by age, accident, sickness, or any other infirmity / by Sir James Earle.
Date: 1807- Books
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A treatise on fractures, luxations, and other affections of the bones / by P.J. Desault ... wherein his opinions and practice, in such cases, are stated and exemplified ; edited by Xav. Bichat ; with plates ; translated from the French, by Charles Caldwell, M.D. ; with notes, and an appendix containing several late improvements in surgery.
Desault, P.-J. (Pierre-Joseph), 1738-1795.Date: 1811- Books
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The Bradshaw lecture : delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England on 3rd December, 1891 / by J.W.Hulke.
Hulke, J. W.Date: 1892- Books
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De fracturis ossium pelvis et de eorum certo quodam casu : dissertatio inauguralis medico-chirurgica ... / auctor Franc. Josephus Michels.
Michels, Franz Josef.Date: 1829- Books
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On the treatment of wounds and fractures : clinical lectures / by Sampson Gamgee.
Gamgee, Joseph Sampson.Date: 1883- Books
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A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations / by Frank Hastings Hamilton.
Hamilton, Frank Hastings, 1813-1886.Date: 1891- Books
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De transversa patellae fractura : theses anatomico-chirurgicae.
Marchais, Pierre.Date: 1782- Books
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The operative treatment of fractures / by W. Arbuthnot Lane.
Lane, William Arbuthnot, 1856-1943.Date: 1905- Books
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Atlas and epitome of traumatic fractures and dislocations / by H. Helferich ; auth. tr. from the German, ed. by Joseph C. Bloodgood.
Helferich, H. (Heinrich), 1851-1945.Date: 1902- Books
Bone surgery with the improved Albee electro operative instruments (patent pending) / the Kny-Scheerer Corporation.
Date: [1916], ©1916- Books
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Des fractures du col du radius : thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier le 27 juillet 1905 / par Etienne Fonzes.
Fonzes, Etienne, 1875-Date: 1905- Books
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A treatise on fractures in the vicinity of joints, and on certain forms of accidental and congenital dislocations / by Robert William Smith.
Smith, Robert William, 1807-1873.Date: 1847- Books
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Surgical cases in private and hospital practice / by George Buchanan.
Buchanan, George, 1827-1905.Date: 1862- Ephemera
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Fry's cocoa's cheery comfort is "the best for the blues" : for convalescents and others "there is no better food", Dr. Andrew Wilson, F.R.S.E., etc. : Fry's pure breakfast cocoa / J.S.Fry & Sons.
Date: [between 1910 and 1919?]- Books
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Traité des fractures et des luxations / par J.F. Malgaigne.
Malgaigne, J.-F. (Joseph-François), 1806-1865.Date: 1855- Books
Les Fractures du genou / sous la direction de J. Duparc, avec la collaboration de M. Bouchon [and others].
Date: 1975- Books
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A treatise on fractures in the vicinity of joints, and on certain forms of accidental and congenital dislocations / by Robert Wm. Smith.
Smith, Robert William, 1807-1873.Date: 1854- Books
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On fractures and dislocations / by Professor Dr. H. Helferich ; ill. with 68 plates and 126 figures in the text, drawn by B. Keilitz ; tr. from the 3d ed. (1897) with notes and additional illustrations, by J. Hutchinson.
Helferich, H. (Heinrich), 1851-1945.Date: 1899- Books
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Thèse présentée et publiquement soutenue à la Faculté de médecine de Montpellier, le 15 mai 1840 / par Candelé (Hippolyte-Louis).
Candelé, Hippolyte Louis.Date: 1840- Books
Lecture notes on orthopaedics and fractures / T. Duckworth.
Duckworth, T.Date: 1980- Books
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A practical treatise on fractures and dislocations / by Frank Hastings Hamilton.
Hamilton, Frank Hastings, 1813-1886.Date: 1860- Books
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Ueber Verrenkungen und Beinbrüche / von Dr. Johann Gottlob Bernstein.
Bernstein, Johann Gottlob, 1747-1835.Date: 1819- Books
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De maxillae superioris fractura : dissertatio inauguralis medica ... / auctor Carol. Frid. Guilelm. Reiche.
Reiche, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm, 1796-1856.Date: 1822